miss teen USA from so. carolina

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Robbie wrote:Among the statistics when it comes to Americans and geography:
Interesting stats but I would not be able to find many of those countries on a map either. I just recently finished K-12 and knowing the placement of countries or regions was never a priority in any socials or history class.
  • Two-thirds didn’t know that the earthquake that killed 70,000 people in October 2005 occurred in Pakistan.
  • Six in 10 could not find Iraq on a map of the Middle East.
  • While Israeli-Palestinian strife has been in the news for the entire lives of the respondents, 75 percent were unable to locate Israel on a map of the Middle East.
  • Seventy percent could not find Iran or Israel.
  • Nearly three-quarters incorrectly named English as the most widely spoken native language.
  • Six in 10 did not know the border between North and South Korea is the most heavily fortified in the world. Thirty percent thought the most heavily fortified border was between the United States and Mexico.
  • 63 percent of Americans aged 18 to 24 failed to correctly locate the country on a map of the Middle East.
  • Remember the December 2004 tsunami and the widespread images of devastation in Indonesia? Three-quarters of respondents failed to find that country on a map. And three-quarters were unaware that a majority of Indonesia's population is Muslim, making it the largest Muslim country in the world.
I wouldn't be able to pass any of those questions. It's funny they mention Israel 3 times, they really drive the point home.

And if English is not the most spoken language, then what is? Chinese?

Soundy wrote:
Dan Russell wrote:Yea she cracked under the pressure and now will be ridiculed for the rest of her time.
For a second there, I thought you were talking ABOUT Charlene...


hahaha, me too!

MacNews wrote:Interesting stats but I would not be able to find many of those countries on a map either. I just recently finished K-12 and knowing the placement of countries or regions was never a priority in any socials or history class.

I wouldn't be able to pass any of those questions. It's funny they mention Israel 3 times, they really drive the point home.

And if English is not the most spoken language, then what is? Chinese?
I don't think many Canadians would be able to either. I think Americans get unfairly mocked for not being able to identify other countries on a map. However, I think it's a concrete example people probably use to allude to the often articulated view that their government (not necessarily the people themselves) has a self-centred perspective of their relative importance in the world. What made me laugh about her second (modified) answer was that it had the same self-centred quality to it - well, my friends and I can read maps so someone should fix it so other people can too - not much insight or vision beyond the end of her own nose. But, in her defense, she's only 17 and that's an appropriately self-centred time in the life of a girl her age.
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I find it astonishing that anyone who can read english, can have a map in english, and not find anything that is on it??

Same with city maps. I always tell people, never mind giving me directions, just give the address and a map, and I be there. I dont get why this is difficult for anyone. I am a high school dropout, sucked at social studies, never passed grade 9, and a bad memory for facts, if I can read a map, if I have basic understanding where most countries are in the world, anyone should be able to find any country, as long as the word is on the map. I just cant comprehend most of the stats that Robbie posted :? :?
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KnowItAll wrote:I find it astonishing that anyone who can read english, can have a map in english, and not find anything that is on it??

Same with city maps. I always tell people, never mind giving me directions, just give the address and a map, and I be there. I dont get why this is difficult for anyone. I am a high school dropout, sucked at social studies, never passed grade 9, and a bad memory for facts, if I can read a map, if I have basic understanding where most countries are in the world, anyone should be able to find any country, as long as the word is on the map. I just cant comprehend most of the stats that Robbie posted :? :?
They're probably being asked to pick it out of an unlabelled map with only the coastlines and borders marked in.
Sports can be a peculiar thing. When partaking in fiction, like a book or movie, we adopt a "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" for enjoyment's sake. There's a similar force at work in sports: "Willing Suspension of Rationality". If you doubt this, listen to any conversation between rival team fans. You even see it among fans of the same team. Fans argue over who's the better QB or goalie, and selectively cite stats that support their views while ignoring those that don't.
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MacNews wrote:And if English is not the most spoken language, then what is? Chinese?
Yes, Mandarin Chinese.
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but english is the most common outside china, right???
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KnowItAll wrote:but english is the most common outside china, right???
Hmmmm....I'm not so sure about that. In many cities in Canada, especially Vancouver, I hear more Chinese in public places than English.
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Well, all I can say/think/add to this thread/topic, is that I think most of these girls are pre-programed for questions where the automatic answer is; "world peace" so I heard someone say that she said she only heard two words of the question, and that may well be true, if you're expecting to hear something, and ready with your answer (world peace) in your mind, you might let your concentration lapse a little.
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MacNews wrote:Forget a few years, she can join my squad any day. :rockin:
I second that!
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IMHO beauty pagents are stupid
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nelson95 wrote:IMHO beauty pagents are stupid
Why, I'd rather watch that then Big Brother XXIIVIVIIIVVIVIII.
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nelson95 wrote:IMHO beauty pagents are stupid
Miss Grey Cup ? or is it Ms. Grey Cup ?
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Since you all seem to be so interested, here are a lot more pictures of her.

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Reviving this old thread in light of the recent dramatic moments of beauty pageants....

In the 2007 Miss Teen USA contestant from South Carolina made some rather dumb statements in her interview question. But the response didn't directly affect or hurt anybody other than herself.

But in 2015 Miss Universe host Steve Harvey made an extremely huge blunder than indeed devastated a young lady. :puke:
Host Steve Harvey announced in international television that Miss Colombia had won the Miss Universe title and had her title crown and sash placed on her....only then to announce that he made a mistake and the actual winner was Miss Philippines. :bawl:
Last edited by Robbie on Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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