Aghan War to Cost Canadians $22 Billion

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Nice sidestep of the question of what is it you do Toppy? Or what are Scott Taylors credentials? Who says he is an authority? I have met the man personally, read his magazine before it lost all credibility and lived through some of the incidents he has distorted to sell his magazine which was what caused him to loose credibility in my eyes. Have you?
Oh and kindly point out where I backtracked, I stand behind everything I have said ,you seem to be guilty of what you accuse me of doing to Scott Taylors character.
Seems to me you were the one telling the young guy to join the military and you were the one telling us how safe your wife was in Hong Kong. Yet later you say it isn't so safe and admit not taking the advice you so generously offered a young guy whose opinion differed from yours.
I guess first my hand experience doesn't hold up to your cut and paste arguments, so that being the case I'll leave it to you and your theories.

Soundy you are right, I should have just dismissed this post for what it was, unfortunately still a little to close to home.
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Toppy Vann
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ziggy wrote:Nice sidestep of the question of what is it you do Toppy? Or what are Scott Taylors credentials? Who says he is an authority? I have met the man personally, read his magazine before it lost all credibility and lived through some of the incidents he has distorted to sell his magazine which was what caused him to loose credibility in my eyes. Have you?
Oh and kindly point out where I backtracked, I stand behind everything I have said ,you seem to be guilty of what you accuse me of doing to Scott Taylors character.
Seems to me you were the one telling the young guy to join the military and you were the one telling us how safe your wife was in Hong Kong. Yet later you say it isn't so safe and admit not taking the advice you so generously offered a young guy whose opinion differed from yours.
I guess first my hand experience doesn't hold up to your cut and paste arguments, so that being the case I'll leave it to you and your theories.

Soundy you are right, I should have just dismissed this post for what it was, unfortunately still a little to close to home.
Ziggy, while you've guessed correctly that I have no military experience at all, I am going to guess that you didn't graduate at the top of your class when you left grade nine.

I am CEO of a Hong Kong based company - you happy. I am also a citizen of Canada where I still pay taxes, own a home and have a family and most of my personal investments. As a citizen I have a right to question public policy. I don't need military experience or have to invoke members of my family in the military now as they are and in the past to make my views known. I'm not a murderer, rapist, robber, drug user or terrorist either and I have views on all those topics much like others do.

Let me simplify this for you ziggy- you libel that guy in that post I took issue with and use character assassination just to get some point across that could just have easily been done JC Calhoun style. While I may not agree with JC that the cost of that 22 billion spread over all Canadians justifies the spending, at least he uses some substance to make his claims and I respect that.

I don't know Scott Taylor's credentials other than the magazine and him being able to write and speak coherently to the issues of the day in the media and on TV. Whether he was a General or Chief of Defence Staff or nothing - who cares. Each has a story to tell and their backgrounds will influence what they say and think but at least Taylor is thinking.
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Toppy you are the typical small man who hides behind his computer with a smug self appreciation of his limited intellect. You are an insult to anyone with a grade nine education although it was likely three of the best years of your life. Your poor debating skills are apparent in how quickly you switch to personal attacks because you really have no worthwhile points of your own on anything and can only resort to cut and paste quotes from you intellectual superiors ,who it appears, is a category most fall into. See I can do personal attacks also!
My statement regarding military experience was in relation to your support of Taylor as a military expert, it had nothing to do with your ability to have an opinion, I really don't care what you think, in fact when anyone discusses the cost of war in dollar figures, as opposed to loss of life I immediately come to the conclusion they really aren't worthy of engaging in meaningful dialogue.

If I am guilty of libel ( not) and character assasination(not) in my assessment of one of your sources are you not also guilty of the same regarding you statement on the former CDS Gen Hillier? Go back and read your earlier posts! Face it I called you out on one of the sources you quoted to make your argument and you were caught out not knowing his credentials, at least do your research. I guess that is grade nine stuff though eh bigtime, oops back down to your level!
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timeout ehh
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KnowItAll wrote:timeout ehh
Yeah you're right, no upside to this.
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The really funny part is, I blocked Poopy Vann a couple weeks ago, so other than what others quote, I'm seeing NONE of his posts... only ziggy and jcalhoun gradually grinding him into dust. No doubt, I'm also missing several personal attacks against myself - "all sound no substance" and such clever tripe.... ahh, the silence is blissful!

I'm just waiting for CartwheelFan to get in here with his real-life Afghanistan experience to finish the job :D :beauty:
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From the Calgary Herald:

Mission maligned as Afghanistan legalizes rape

By Don Martin. 03-31-2009 Ottawa Deconstructed

Defending the right to educate school-age girls was one of those defining causes behind Canadian support to join the Afghanistan military mission seven years ago. The Taliban’s aim to keep Afghan women uneducated, presumably imprisoned and pregnant in their male master’s kitchen, gave a female liberation purpose to NATO’s combat justification. Post-Taliban girls in school uniforms became the poster children to sell the mission as a humanitarian crusade worthy of our soldier sacrifices.

That’s what makes a new law recently signed by President Hamid Karzai is so offensively outrageous, legislation that clearly duplicates, if not denigrates further, the lowly Taliban status of women in a democratic government handed power to enshrine equality for all.
The final wording is being fine-tuned, but the new law reportedly prohibits women from leaving their homes, seeking employment or visiting a doctor without their husband’s permission. Wives would not be able to refuse their husband’s demand for sex and children would automatically revert to the custody of the father in the event of a marital breakdown.

Our soldiers are dying to defend a government voting in favor of legalized rape and imposing limits on a woman’s freedom of movement, expression and even her right to seek medical attention? There are 116 good Canadian reasons -- one for each fallen soldier -- why Prime Minister Stephen Harper should join the other NATO partners to force a weak and ineffective Karsai to repeal this insidious legislation NOW.

It might make good politics for President Karzai struggling in an election year, but Afghanistan cannot be allowed to pass a law mocking of our mission’s sacrifices without an all-out diplomatic fight.
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Toppy Vann wrote:but at least Taylor is thinking.
I had been away for awhile but to come into a thread where anyone belives Scott Taylor is thinking is truly shocking. Esprit de Corps would only be useful as butt wipe if it were not for the glossy pages.

Your last cut and paste of an article most of us read in The Province this morning is a different thing entierly Toppy, and it shows there is alot of work to be done in that country still.

People seem to think that after the Afghan war (and Iraq for that matter) you can go in, replace a government and leave. The last time Canada was involved in a regime changing military action was of course Germany in WW2. The cold war of course made things different, but we had Canadian Forces stationed there for 50 years! Terrorist organizations, insurgents, IEDs, booby traps.. could be Germany '46 or Afghanistan '09.. how people forget.

It is all very simple. Our volunteer military is intended for operations like this. Removing unstable governments abroad keeps us safer at home. Nobody there is unwilling and keeping them there costs money. If you don't like the way the government is directing the military and your taxes towards it then exercise your political voice. That is how it works. I seem to recall that Harper's government was already set on this path at the last election, which would make it seem the majority think it is necessary.
Last edited by Bleddyn on Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Just to clarify the editing makes it appear I support Scott Taylor. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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My apologies ziggy. I didn't see I had left the double "quote" marks in there making it look as though you had written it.

All fixed. :roar:
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Bleddyn wrote:My apologies ziggy. I didn't see I had left the double "quote" marks in there making it look as though you had written it.

All fixed. :roar:
Thanks :beer:
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