Hall of Fan - CatsEyes

This Forum contains Member Profiles. These members have achieved Hall of Fame Status (3000 posts) and as such have demonstrated their commitment to the BC Lions and Hall of Fame Members will of course receive respect and admiration from your peers and have the opportunity to place your profile here.
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Team Captain
Posts: 8322
Joined: Tue Oct 01, 2002 7:43 pm
Location: Springhill
Contact: Hall of Fan - CatsEyes
Position: Tackle :)
Favourite CFL team: British Columbia Lions
Why are they your favourite team: Solar says so. Seriously though, I have to admit that I have only become a fan over the last 5 years or so. I live in BC, so THAT'S convenient, and they've got a great, albeit short history. Plus, the name is cool! Everyone knows what a Lion is. How many people know what a Roughrider is?
If you were abducted by Super Models and forced to cheer for another team who would it be: Don't know if I want to go there....supermodels don't really do anything for me! If I HAD to make a choice, I would cheer for the Stamps.
Other Favourite Sports teams: NASCAR-Jeff Burton, , NFL-Philadelphia Eagles, VFF-The Hamilton Hellcats!
Favourite CFL stadium: Our house, of course! Outdoors, I like McMahon.
Favourite BC Lion: Buck Pierce
Favourite former BC Lion: Looooooooooo
Favourite Food: Pretty much any kind of grilled dead animal, but I am partial to a nicely cooked medium rare steak, potatoes, and sauteed mushrooms. Oh, and chocolate!
Favourite Bar: Yes
Favourite Beer: Coors Light
Favourite Alcoholic Beverage: Mikes Hard Cranberry Lemonade/ Dr. Peppers
Favourite Non Alcoholic Bevy: Diet Coke
Favourite Tunes: Oh boy..... 70s hard rock, 80s hard rock, Pretty much anything that I can remember the words to!
Favourite Movie: Right now? Trans-freakin-formers! LOVE that movie!
Hobbies: and waiting for football, NASCAR and waiting for NASCAR. Usually there's an overlap, and I usually only have to wait for a couple of months.
Favourite BC Lion Memory: 2004 WDF, and thinking poor Solar was going to pass out if Duncan didn't tie the game!
Best Grey Cup Host City: So far, I'd have to say Vancouver! What a party!
My dream vacation is: Going to every NASCAR race, and going to every CFL stadium.
Favourite CFL uniform: I love the Lion's 3rd jersey in 2005. I loved the silver paw helmet, and also the helmet with the black lion (85?)Overall uni? I'd say the 50th anniversary one.
Strangest things seen at game: The streaker at McMahon. Rickey Foley took the kid OUT, but somehow he got up and scaled the fence. Pretty impressive!
Words you live by: Boogity Boogity Boogity! Let's go racin' boys!
Additional Comments: In seriousness, I have never met a more real, honest, warm, fun bunch of people than CFL fans. From West to East, we are all part of the fellowship!
I own The Grey Cup! .com
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Joined: Tue Oct 26, 2004 6:18 pm
Location: Looking forward

OK-mine's edited!
Real women wear orange!!
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