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NBA Finals - Spurs destroy LeBron and Dwyane

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 7:53 pm
by WestCoastJoe
4 games to 1 for the Spurs.

Honestly, I have rarely found such dislike for arrogant athletes going for the money as with the Miami Heat.

The Spurs play without ego.

LeBron and Dwyane in the press conference, one or two games ago, were so sullen and arrogant and phony. They have such contempt.

Very good to see them lose.

For this observer anyway.

That phony TV show where LeBron announced his "decision," breaking the hearts of the Cleveland fans was horrible.

If Carmelo goes there next year, they will rack up a ton of regular season wins, and, because of their character flaws, I expect they will lose again.

Re: NBA Finals - Spurs destroy LeBron and Dwyane

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:47 pm
by TheLionKing
Love it !! Wonder if Lebron is going to have another TV special in which he's going to introduce Anthony Carmelo ??

Re: NBA Finals - Spurs destroy LeBron and Dwyane

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:05 pm
by notahomer
Great! I really didn't want the Heat to win again. Pretty solid series by the Spurs.

Glad it didn't go for long because of that malfunction in game one. That was an excuse waiting to be used......