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Great Football Weekend

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:09 pm
by ziggy
I have to congratulate the organizing committee and the players for a great weekend!

-Vanier Cup - Excellent game, great crowd and sure worth more than $10. Hope this becomes a permanent grey cup feature

-Transit pass- As an out of towner,it was great and I must say I was pleasantly surprised by how polite everyone was.

-Fan zone- Bit disappointing, but it was the usual Grey Cup cheesy sign up for stuff commercial booths. I think this is the one thing that needs work. After all, how many cell phone plans or credit cards do people really need? Maybe some team gear sales kiosks would be a good idea, or does that violate a GC policy? Also the Convention centre could have used a few more signs, a few less bag checks and maybe a posted schedule of events

- Lions Den- was awesome when I was there Saturday, would have liked to visit more of the team venues but the entry fees kind of limited that. Personally,I can't see paying the entry fee for three or four venues , makes for a very pricey night and really, you can't stay too long at any one if you plan to hit a bunch of them anyhow. Maybe they should go to a passport system where you pay a fee and can visit as many sites as you want? I think that would encourage more mingling and make for a better experience. Also I should mention a lot of people seemed confused as to where and how far it was to the various team venues. I know I got asked numerous times how to get to different team venues.

-Grey Cup Game- Excellent game and an amped up crowd, can't imagine it being any better

At any rate I had a great time and other than the bad weather on Saturday, which can't be helped, I thought Vancouver did a good job hosting.