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Would an NFL regular season game sell out BC Place?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:38 pm
by 120dB
I understand Canada could play host to an NFL regular season game next year and Vancouver is bidding.

Would BC Place sell out? I think it would. It would be a great way for the Lions to boost season ticket sales.

If Seattle plays here it would be considered a road game for the Seahawks, but many Seahawks fans would gobble up tickets.

I could see 10 - 20,000 Seahawks fans coming here for the game if the Seahawks are in it. Therefore, I would hope the Lions would give preference to season ticket holders; if you're a season ticket holder you're guaranteed an opportunity to get a ticket.

If you're not, I guess you'd have to battle Seahawks fans for a seat in BC Place. I hope the Lions will win this bid. When can we expect an announcement?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:11 pm
by Lions_Fan_4_Life
NO NO and NO

It would never sell out and even if I were guaranteed an opportunity to buy a tik as a Season Ticket Holder I would sell it if I even bought it.

Re: Would an NFL regular season game sell out BC Place?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:52 pm
by TheLionKing
120dB wrote:
I could see 10 - 20,000 Seahawks fans coming here for the game if the Seahawks are in it.
Wishful thinking on your part. How many New Orleans fans travel to wherever the Saints played when their stadium was out of commission ?

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 10:33 pm
by 120dB
You think they were in the mood to? Their state had been destroyed and their team at that time was struggling

When your community has been destroyed, football probably doesn't rate high in priority. Not sure how you figure this situation parallels Seattle