anti wide screen rant\vent\whatever

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With all the arguements flying around regarding TV formats I feel the need to say this.

It sounds like people feel that watching TV is one of the most important things in their life. My response is GET A LIFE!!!!!!!

Now back to regular programming.
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It sounds like people feel that watching TV is one of the most important things
what?? you mean to say it isnt? :shock: :shock: :shock:

I mean, after football and posting on Lionbackers, what else is there???
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Shi Zi Mi wrote:
Rammer wrote:
Soundy wrote:
I'll baa baa baa all you want if you'll buy me a 60-inch plasma set...
One of the big box stores just had a listing in their flyer for a 65 inch screen. If KIA would purchase that one, he could gain back that 5 inches on his current screen that he has been missing and more. Of course the price point of just under $12K may be preventitive, and if not there is the 103" plasma for $70K US that is available.
I'll "one up" you........108" LCD !!!
I'm looking forward to SED!
IMHO, the "changing of the guard" to widescreen HD Dolby 5.1 from the 4x3 low def mono/stereo is every bit an improvement as when TV's went to color from B&W way back when.

The improvement is huge.

IMHO, for someone to say that they prefer the older technology is ludicrous.......and most likely a result of being in a state of denial due to a recent unwise investment in old technology.
What's worse is calling those who do enjoy and want the improvements, "sheep". It's ignorant and insulting.
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Gerry wrote: ... but you have been insulting everyone else with your sheep comment since you started this silly thread.
Soundy wrote:What's worse is calling those who do enjoy and want the improvements, "sheep". It's ignorant and insulting
Clearly I have erred in not being more specific and clear, my apologies.

It was not my intention to imply that there were ANY sheep posting here.

I tried to acknowledge that not all who choose the wide screen are sheep on page 1
I wrote:As for the sheep thing, anyone who has any understanding of human nature knows that while many choose wide screen because they really like it better and have been waiting yrs to be able to see it on TV, many more just are going along with the trend.
Apparently, I forgot to make a point of stating that I am sure that every single poster here who has gone with Wide Screen has done so because they really prefer it and would have done so even if they were the only person on their block, in their family and among their circle of friends and co-workers to do so.

Its everybody else out there that is doing it because you did that I am calling sheep. Ok, not really, but you know that people are like sheep, and many choices are made by many people with sheep mentality. As I said, Disco being one glaring example, along with every other FAD that comes along. I am not the only person aware of the sheep mentality that is so prevalant in todays society. I didnt come up with the term.

I can honestly say that I dont think of one person on this site as a sheep...although it wouldnt surprise me if a couple have snuck in :wink:
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Ah, so anyone *in here* who has or wants a new widescreen TV isn't a sheep, but anyone else is?


Is it not possible that a goodly percentage of people buying them are doing so *BECAUSE THEY ACTUALLY LIKE THE IMPROVED PICTURE QUALITY*??

Of everyone I know who has an HDTV set, one bought it just for the sheer size (50-something-inch DLP), and because it was "on sale"... but he's a more-money-than-brains lawyer type; this is the only one who you might consider a "sheep."

Everyone else *that I know personally, who has bought widescreen sets* has done so, not because it's wider, certainly not because it's the new cool thing to have, but SPECIFICALLY for the high-definition display.

Does that really make them "SHEEP"?
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on monday we are getting some 32" and 42" lcd tv's in :yahoo: ..... at the very least I will be returning my 26" and getting a 32" .... maybe 42" :cr:
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I would like to point out that the primary purpose of my posting this was just as I said in my title. To get off my chest the frustration I feel about what I am seeing on my really nice fairly new fairly big TV. Secondary purpose was to promote discussion. There was no intent to actually offend anyone or cause hard feelings. I for one have no problem with people disagreeing with me, as long as they can do it civilly, as I usually try to do, although I do admit sometime emotion can get the better of me, sigh
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Soundy wrote:
almo89 wrote: WORD! We had 4x3 TVs for the longest time and watched movies in 2.35:1 ratio all the time with black bars. Didn't bug me at all. I know that I'm seeing everything the way it was intended. Pan and scan just pisses me off. Now that we have a 16x9 TV, anamorphic movies are better than ever. And what about those old TV show that were in 4x3? We watch them now on 4x3 with bars on the sides. Doesn't bug me at all. I hate it when you take a 4x3 ratio program and stretch it.
Yeah, see, that's even worse: you spend all this money for a new TV with higher resolution and more real estate, and then you have to lose an even bigger percentage of it to black bars on the ends because so many stupid TV programs are still being shot and broadcast in 4:3?? Bastards! They're taking away my choice to watch shows on the full size of my TV!!
I realize the tone in which you say this, but I will respond as if you were serious anyhow. Nothing has been taken away from you. There never was what you want before. All you are having to endure is what you would consider as the station being "too slow" to switch over to wide screen. If stations have to broadcast on another signal\wavelength or whatever it is called, for HD, why cant they be made to do the same for Wide screen. Then we can all be happy.
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KnowItAll wrote:If stations have to broadcast on another signal\wavelength or whatever it is called, for HD, why cant they be made to do the same for Wide screen. Then we can all be happy.
That would require the shows being produced in both formats. I really don't think any are, and there's no incentive to do so. In addition to the extra cost involved, it would a pointless expense, because once you format for 4:3, there's no point adding extra content outside that frame for the widescreen version. Since all new TVs are going widescreen, there's also little incentive to continue producing new shows in 4:3 at all.

It's no different at all from the change from B&W to color - color sets could continue to show the B&W shows, but some detail could be lost showing color shows on B&W sets if the proper care wasn't taken. But at some point, B&W sets simply wouldn't be produced anymore, so taking that extra effort eventually just becomes moot and an unnecessary expense.
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How does it work when they simultaneous broadcast on reg and digital HD??
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Seems to me, both the hard ware and the software should exist where by the receiver can translate the signal to exactly what ever wanted, and that it could be made as an attachment to older and new tvs. I realize that new tvs are supposed to do this kind of thing, but I havent seen one that makes all formats look right. Too often, the people look too wide to me.
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KnowItAll wrote:How does it work when they simultaneous broadcast on reg and digital HD??
Shows that are created in 4:3 will appear the same in both. How the wide TV displays it depends on how the TV is configured - it typically either stretches the picture horizontally to fill the screen, or it displays it with black bars at the ends.

If the show is created in HD, the station has equipment that scales it to SD (standard definition) in realtime for broadcast on the regular channels. They'll either chop the ends off the picture to make it fit the 4:3 screen, or more often, they'll just broadcast it with the black bars at the top and bottom to fill out the 4:3 screen. They don't actually create two separate versions of the same program.
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KnowItAll wrote:Seems to me, both the hard ware and the software should exist where by the receiver can translate the signal to exactly what ever wanted, and that it could be made as an attachment to older and new tvs.
The thing is, if you DESIGN and SHOOT the show at 4:3, there's no point in actually filming anything outside that box - doing so for a separate 16:9 version would mean dressing out additional areas of the set, etc., to add content that will only be seen by a portion of your audience. There's simply no incentive for anyone to produce shows that way. If an actor, for example, references something in that additional area, then people viewing the 4:3 version won't see it and won't understand the reference.

The only way to make it viable from a production and storytelling point of view would be to actually shoot the show twice. Good luck convincing ANY studio to do that just to accomodate a technology that is being phased out.
I realize that new tvs are supposed to do this kind of thing, but I havent seen one that makes all formats look right. Too often, the people look too wide to me.
That's not the fault of the sets or the producers or the broadcaster or anyone other than the owner of that set and the way they've configured it. Most widescreen sets give the user three options for what to do with 4:3 content: stretch it horizontally to fill the screen, display it proper aspect ratio and just leave unused areas at the ends of the screen blank, or zoom the whole picture so it fits horizontally but the top and bottom are cropped off, which is essentially the equivalent to having a movie cropped for fullscreen display, but is even more annoying especially on news and sports programming because then you lose text crawls, titles and subtitles, and all manner of information.

Unfortunately most sets seem to default to the "stretched" feature and most people never bother to change it... and so everyone looks "squished." Cheaper ones do a really poor job with the horizontal scaling as well, and the picture gets distorted and blocky. Better sets do a much better job of upscaling the picture cleanly and don't look quite as horrid, although they do still usually make things "squished." Some even do a variable scaling, where the center area of the picture is stretched less and the left and right ends stretched more to fill the screen, which is a little better than the quick'n'dirty method for a lot of things, but definitely not for sports.
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D wrote:on monday we are getting some 32" and 42" lcd tv's in :yahoo: ..... at the very least I will be returning my 26" and getting a 32" .... maybe 42" :cr:
Oh I didn't wait long enough, sigh. I had given upon you carrying them.....ahh I will see you Monday or Tuesday....:lol:
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Rammer wrote:
D wrote:on monday we are getting some 32" and 42" lcd tv's in :yahoo: ..... at the very least I will be returning my 26" and getting a 32" .... maybe 42" :cr:
Oh I didn't wait long enough, sigh. I had given upon you carrying them.....ahh I will see you Monday or Tuesday....:lol:
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