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Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:40 pm
by zark
OK...I obviously don't know what off side means. Whena receiver is 10 yards downfield before the snap, it's not off side. I get the neutral zone stuff...but yikes. We could have won this.
Too many field goals.
One more thing. Suitor should never be allowed to do Rider games. What a HOMER.
Good game Lulay.
What do they say???OH yea...see ya next year. :beauty: :beauty:

Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:40 pm
by Belize City Lion
1greatmysticbushape wrote: I'm not sure I like the mini games to decide OT in the playoffs especially. what are the options?
I think the shootout is a great format for OT. But I would start teams at the 50 as it would force teams to move the ball before getting into "automatic" field goal position. Although, in all the years that the CFL has had the shootout, I can't remember a team going out and simply kicking a field goal from the 35 to win.

Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:56 pm
by tigerrr22
Travis Lulay looked like Jerry Tagge out there throwing the hail mary with no time left on the clock! Then to score the TD and hit the Geroy Simon 2 point convert to prolong the OT you had to think they were going to win this game! :violin: The future is bright but this is what I saw. Today we saw crucial dropped passes by Geroy Simon (cost us a sure TD), Arceneaux (cost us a FG), Roberston (cost us a first down). Wilson (Likely a first down lost) and a dropped INT by Phillips (didn't prevent a Rider FG) on the goal line. (Travel woes or -2 degree weather have a play in this?) All of these passes were right in their hands or between the numbers.

Woeful offensive play calling saw the 19-7 lead evaporate quickly. Stop running the ball between the tackles on first down with this O-line. It does not work! Second and long and then we see these short passes completed short of the first down. I do not understand how many times this offence keeps doing what does not work. (Insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over again only to see the same result occur.) A new OC must be hired for 2011. The talent is being wasted with this play calling. The 1-7 start reflective of complete denial regarding a woeful early season offensive line and no play calling to support the front line better. (It's nothing personal either. Just how it is in my books.)

I'm very proud of this team and it's fight today. They were the underdogs. They kept battling and this group of players can know that they've got what it takes: to win a division next season & host the Western Final. They can be a financial success next season and offer eventual new team owner(s) a solid franchise that Braley can sell for a good price too.

Travis Lulay is ready to become the CFL's top QB in 2011. Expect big numbers from him next season. Also an excellent TD to INT ratio, too, as we've seen him really wise up on minimizing INT's down the stretch.

This game today made the NFL look like completely overinflated hype without the substance to back it up. I hope fans snap up BC Lions tickets for 2011 big time. It just might be as prolific as 1994 when Lui hit the Grey Cup winning FG against Baltimore in front of the home town fans under the old dome.

If the O-line gets tweaked and a new OC calls better plays then we'll see Travis Lulay make it through the season without any serious injuries. Travis Lulay is a winner and he, along with all our other skill position players on offence, is deserving of improved offensive personnel: both on the O-line and on the side line wearing a head set. Bring on 2011 asap. NHL hockey sucks. Can't stand big money sports that is big on hype but weak on substance. Sports on TV does not get better than the CFL. This league is special because it is still pure sport. Not big money show business. Pure sports with pure athletes that play for the love of the game. If the crowds and TV numbers continue to grow then the league must make sure that player salaries can increase too. These athletes deserve a pay raise more than any other pro sports athletes in the world. The fans make the game as great as it can or cannot be. NFL only types, in Canada, should wise up.

Dominic In Vancouver :beauty:

P.S. Buono has my support to stay on as coach. He has really regained my belief in building a winner sooner rather than later. Remarkeable turnaround this season. The 1-7 start is what killed any realistic hopes of a Grey Cup victory though. You really need a home playoff game to eventually play for the Cup.

Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:59 pm
by truth-hurts
Wow, what a nail biter! Too bad we had to be the team to lose. Like they say "There can only be one winner". At least the boys can be proud of making it this far. I think we all had our doubts that the Lions would make it to the playoffs so having the chance to even play in Saskatchewan is a bonus in my eyes.

The team fought hard and played to their potential. They still have some growing to do but for what it's worth, I thought they played awesome. Another season has come and gone and hopefully we'll be a much stronger team next year. New players, new coaches...may be. Veterans retiring, veterans released...definitely. I look forward to next year and I wish all the players, coaches and their families a safe and relaxing off-season.

As far as my fellow postees, take care and I'll catch you on the flip side. The season is over and my time on here is done. It was fun and interesting being apart of this forum and thanx to the ones who understood where I was coming from with my posts.

Back to the States with my family and I guess next season the games will be back in BC Place. No more section 213 at the Empire for me. Hopefully I'll be back posting next year if we're here, and if not, then all the best to everyone...

Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:05 pm
by Rodu
Hyland is two pounds short of 200, that's plenty big enough for safety, and much bigger than Crawford and Miles

Now the fight to keep Arceneaux or however you spell it from the NFL begins

Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:14 pm
by Kamloops Lion
[quote="in all the years that the CFL has had the shootout, I can't remember a team going out and simply kicking a field goal from the 35 to win.[/quote]

Actually, BC did just that in the 2004 Western Final. After McCallum for the Riders missed a chip shot, Wally agreed to O'Mahoney's desire to simply kick a 40-yard FG from the 40 on first and 10. Lions won.

As for the playoff format, nothing beats the former CFL version of two five-minute halves.
I never have understood why they adopted the NCAA's shotgun format. It is a bit too gimmicky and does not complement the first 60 minutes of play.

Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:15 pm
by bclions16
Proud of the team, far from purrfect but gutsy and on the right track. Yes some changes on O are needed, but tonight I prefer to channel anger to the refs even if that's not my usual MO. Just frustrated/exhausted! Never been so drained from sitting on the couch.

Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:30 pm
by Blitz
It was a high blood pressure Western Semi-Final and showcased CFL football as the exciting game it is.

When we look back at this season, in the future, it will go down as a team that went 8-10 and lost in overtime in the semi-final in Regina. However, it really was a much more dramatic season than the record will show. We won our first game and then lost 7 in a row, using all three of our quarterbacks and none of them looked very good for a number of reasons. Our offensive line was in flux, our scheme was stale and it had no anti-blitz capabilities, and our quarterbacks really had no time to throw as teams blitzed the hell out of us.

The second half of the season was a dichotomy from that miserable start. We went 6-2 and won our last three games, mostly due to the tremendous play of our defense and special teams. However, we also made some postive changes to our offensive scheme, solidified our offensive line, and utilized Jamal Robertson out of the backfield effectively. We went into Riderland with momentum and optomisim.

The first half of the game was dominated by our Leos. Lulay threw for over 200 yards in the first half of the game, our defense harried and sacked Durrant, and the Riders looked like they were in trouble.

However, with the lead conservatism crept into our game. Wally chose to punt the football with 8 seconds left in the first half rather than try a long field goal. He was obviously worried about a long return although the Riders had not returned one for a touchdown all season. We also started the second half, with the opportunity to receive the football but instead chose to kick off to the Riders again, preferring to have the south end of the field for the fourth quarter, even though the wind conditions were minimal.

In the second half, our offence did not match our first half performance and Lulay threw for less yards in the second half and the two overtime drives than he did in the first. We lost our 19-7 lead as the Riders spied Lulay, as we spied Durrant, and the Riders also played Robertson tough in the flats as expected. The Riders came back to take the lead in the fourth quarter. However, with us wasting time on the clock on that final drive, Lulay was forced to throw a hail Mary pass from the 30 yard line. He bought time to be able to throw the football into the end zone and Arsenault made an incredible play to come across and leap and bring the football down, forcing overtime.

When the Riders scored their first touchdown in overtime and made the two point convert, things looked grim but Lulay showed poise in responding to the Rider converted touchdown with a drive of our own. with Lulay scrambling in for the touchdown and then hitting Simon for the two point convert. The football gods looked like they were with us.

However, on the next drive we were forced to kick a field goal and the Riders would hit Clermont on a simple in route, Hyland missed the tackle and somehow Clermont had a free lane into the end zone and it was all over.

There were some critical plays to reflect upon.....from a ball in the end zone that hit Simon in the hands, the Arsenault drop near the end of the first half that would have put us in definite field goal range, Wally's decision not to go for the long field goal, not taking the football on offence to begin the second half, a missed Anton McKenzie tackle, and Hyland's missed tackle. However, there were also many great plays out there, including incredible catches by Arsenault, Paris Jackson, and Black, and a great run by Robertson on a pitchout, that allowed us to get out of the shadow of our end zone. Our defensive line, led by Keron Williams had an excellent game and Eliminian made some great tackles as well. Korey Banks continued his outstanding play on defense.

Overall, the way this season gives us optomism for next season. There is a lot of talent on this team, Lulay came a long way in 9 games and showed a lot of poise, our offensive line looks good for the future, and we have a lot of good young players on defense. If Davis and MCCallum, with Whyte in the wings, can continue their performances on special teams next season along with the excellent downfield coverage we showed this season covering kicks and punts, our special teams look good for next year as well.

Still, we went 8-10 and lost our playoff game. In the Wally era in B.C. we've won 3 playoff games and lost 7 playoff games. This season was not a success overall, even though we played so much better in the second half of the season. We still have to get better, if we want to win a Grey Cup next season.

Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:36 pm
by Rodu
JohnHenry wrote:
Hyland is two pounds short of 200, that's plenty big enough for safety, and much bigger than Crawford and Miles

Now the fight to keep Arceneaux or however you spell it from the NFL begins
Hyland must play smaller than he is, then. He built his reputation on that one hard hit while playing safety, but more often he looks like R. Phillips when trying to tackle one on one. If we're going to use an Import at safety, surely we can find a sure-handed about Reddick? (Crawford is 6' 3")

Arseneux could be lost to the NFL, but what about Lulay? Not sure of his contract status, but I suggested last season Lulay looks like NFL material to me. If the Lions were to lose Lulay, they might as well mothball the franchise. The Lions lost 1/3rd of their fan base since losing Wake, Logan and Mallett to the NFL.
Manny A may be lost to the NFL, but I don't think he will stick. He has some things going against him. How is his special teams work? He'll have to make it as a depth guy and play on the teams. Can he return kicks? If he gets a case of the droppsies like he's prone to, he'll get jumped on the depth chart in the pre season/training camp right away.

Hyland is a few pounds heavier than Crawford, but Crawford is almost four inches taller, kinda lanky.

I agree with you about Lulay, if he goes south, it won't be pretty

Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 6:38 pm
by Roaring Fan Since 82!!
I am very sad, and drowning my sorrows in beers, but proud of the way the Leos fought to the end.

Two Miracle passes from for sure, and he is our starting QB next year big time. I love JJ as the backup too...helping him out.

Clermont....I wished we wouldn't have let him go, but good for him for moving on.

D played great. Couldn't have asked for any more out of those many first years on there, and they stood up. Even though they got burned at the happens. They did what they could, and gave us a chance to win. Just like a goalie in hockey.

Paul Mc....please work out over the winter, and come back again next year=clutch!

Love the recieving core.....and loved the block by Geroy on the TD....

Even though we lost...still feel good about next year...Elminiminan...or however you spell his name...and the D. Plus Travis and the O....

Til next year!!!


Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:06 pm
by cromartie
I agree with you about Lulay, if he goes south, it won't be pretty.
I am more concerned about Elimimian going south than Lulay. Lulay isn't ready. If he goes, Jarious, assuming he returns, can fill the gap until he returns. Or we can develop Reily. Or both.

Import receivers are not hard to find. I'd like Arcenaux to stay, but if he goes, he goes. Rush ends are hard to find and we need at least one, probably two. The back end of the secondary needs some help as well.

I agree with whomever mentioned moving starting field position back in overtime (I also support the NCAA doing this).

This season went exactly as I expected, 8-10 with a first round loss. While the personnel outlook is promising, barring significant defections, we need some of the discussed ad nauseum changes to the coaching staff. Keeping Rich Stubler around would help also. Fortunately, he lives not too far over the border.

Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:09 pm
by WestCoastJoe
T. LULAY 28/49 352 2 1

Excellent work by Lulay. He is the definition of a CFL quarterback. Smart, mobile, calm and cool. After Reid did not snap the ball on the conversion, Lulay was actually smiling. No freak out. :thup:

E. ARCENEAUX 5 80 1 29
S. BLACK 5 79 1 23
P. JACKSON 5 69 0 34
J. ROBERTSON 5 37 0 13
G. SIMON 4 40 0 14
O. WILSON 3 45 0 22

Manny :thup: Black :thup: PJ :thup: Geroy despite 2 drops :thup: O'Neil :thup:

J. ROBERTSON 11 75 0 37 :thup:
T. LULAY 5 39 1 22 :thup:
J. JACKSON 3 8 0 3 :thup:

Field Goals FG LG XP PTS
P. MCCALLUM 4/4 45 2/2 14 :thup: Hall of Fame

Punt Returns NO YDS AVG LG TD
Y. DAVIS 6 58 9.7 31 0

We should save this guy for important occasions. Too valuable to let him run the ball on O. :wink:

Kick Returns NO YDS AVG LG TD
Y. DAVIS 4 104 26.0 31 0
A. HARRIS 1 29 29.0 29 0

IMO you ride your best horse until he is sucking wind on the sidelines. But that would not be conservative enough for us. We like to save him until it is really important. Like when? Dunno. USE HIM. If he gets tired, so what?

J. BROWN 5 1 0 0 :thup:
K. WILLIAMS 4 3 0 0 :thup:
T. CRAWFORD 4 0 0 0 :thdn:
D. MARSH 4 0 0 0 :thup:
A. MCKENZIE 4 0 0 0
S. ELIMIMIAN 3 1 0 0 :thup:
A. LEONARD 3 0 0 0
K. BANKS 2 0 0 0
S. FRANKS 2 0 0 0
D. HYLAND 2 0 0 0 :thdn:
O. WILSON 1 0 0 0
J. YURICHUK 1 0 0 0
A. REID 1 0 0 0
A. REDDICK 1 0 0 0
B. JOHNSON 1 0 0 0
R. PHILLIPS 1 0 0 0 :thdn:

Coaching: too conservative for my taste. Kicking off to start the 2nd half (brilliant, how come other teams haven't thought of that?) Keeping Yonus Davis fresh ... ? Ultra conservative attempt to hang on to a lead at the half. Too worried to try a field goal at the half. Whatever. But a sensational game, nevertheless.

IMO Wally is back with both portfolios next year. And his coaching staff returns intact.

Re: Riders 41 - Lions 38, Post Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:19 pm
by B.C.FAN
WestCoastJoe wrote:Field Goals FG LG XP PTS
P. MCCALLUM 4/4 45 2/2 14 :thup: Hall of Fame
Including the overtime kick, McCallum was 5 of 5 in the game and. I don't have the numbers but I believe he's been purrfect in the playoffs in five seasons as a Lion. It will be tough to part ways with him next year while he's still under contract.