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Re: 'Handled Unprofessionally" says McCallum of Roster Fiasc

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:32 pm
by cromartie
WestCoastJoe wrote: I hear ya, ed.

However, re the last part ...

As I understand it, quality control is video work, not paperwork. And throwing more staff at the paperwork is not what I would want to do.

You and I don't disagree on this, It's just how we look at quality control, methinks.
On most teams, the Quality Control Coach is responsible for analyzing video of opponents, charting said games and preparing tendency reports for coordinators. For example, a QC would be responsible for providing a defensive coordinator information on what a team does on 2nd and 5-10 yards out of a certain formation, so said coordinator could use that formation and counter it accordingly.

Progressive organizations hire someone to self scout and analyze their own tendencies. When Mike Riley was between coaching stints, he fulfilled this role in New Orleans. It's the one role on a coaching staff I'd love, actually.

I have no idea who fills this role on the Lions. I've always kind of wondered about that too.

Re: 'Handled Unprofessionally" says McCallum of Roster Fiasc

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:35 pm
by Anglophone
Saying this was unprofessional is an understatement. This is just the latest in a season of poor management.

Re: 'Handled Unprofessionally" says McCallum of Roster Fiasc

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:45 pm
by TheLionKing
The McCallum fiasco is yet another example of things going wrong with this season.

Re: 'Handled Unprofessionally" says McCallum of Roster Fiasc

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:52 pm
by sj-roc
ed_lunsford wrote:-Agree 100% with Money McCallum, that roster fiasco was entirely unprofessional and set the wrong tone for the game, especially after making the bold move of releasing Casey Printers.
At this stage I wouldn't be shocked to see Printers' name accidentally end up on the roster.

Re: 'Handled Unprofessionally" says McCallum of Roster Fiasc

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:00 pm
by sj-roc
notahomer wrote:I'm going to have to start bringing a radio (with headphones) to the game. I was baffled as to why McCallum was sitting. I guessed he had tweaked his injury during warmups. I was also stunned by the early whistle on Black's non-TD in overtime.

I think the CFl does need to take it up a few notches in terms of professionalism. The NFL has running stats (at Qwest Field anyway). You don't have to wait until late in the half to find out the first quarter stats. I also finding replays of the plays I want to see don't always get shown. Show em all.

But I guess this thread is about the Lions professionalism. Sounds like another symptom. Many fans have complained about 'soft' practice habits and the like. I just feel there is so much more of this extra junk happening due to not having Ackles around. He was such a nice person when I chatted with him (twice) and I'm not so sure things like this happen when that level of professionalism overlooks the big picture.
Radio is def the way to go. They even put the signal on an FM frequency this year for better reception. Just don't expect to hear much when the fans get loud, although it's still better than nothing at all.

As for occasional lack of replays, I think there's a homer effect going on. Any close play that might draw a challenge from the visiting coach, you're unlikely to see it again. And vice versa. I wonder if there's anything in the league rules about this.

Re: 'Handled Unprofessionally" says McCallum of Roster Fiasc

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:48 am
by PigSkin_53
Big Time wrote:McCallum is bang on. This was one of the most unprofessional things I have ever seen and it points to a critical problem the Lions have had all year: lack of attention to detail. I don't know who on the Lions is responsible for submitting the roster. Judging by the look on Wally's face, he was rightly pissed at somebody on the sidelines who I'm guessing screwed up. The problem is that this is the kind of stuff that makes the CFL look bush league. A kicker has to be called in from the dressing room and he has to borrow equipment from another player? That's bloody ludicrous. Thankfully Whyte made good on his opportunity but if I were McCallum I'd be hugely pissed. Being a professional athlete is about pride. Sure he's happy Whyte made the big kick to tie the game but he wouldn't be a professional if he didn't want that to be his opportunity. Those moments are what kickers thrive on. The fact that he was denied due to a bonehead management move is inexecusable.

I agree with others that this is yet another sign that Wally has lost total control of his staff. Everything about this year has shown that there is a level of complacency that has set in that is rotting the organization from the inside out. It will not change until there is a significant change in personnel from the coaching staff outward.
Correction, It will not change until there is a complete change in ownership!

Re: 'Handled Unprofessionally" says McCallum of Roster Fiasc

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 10:00 am
by Soundy
The_Pauser wrote:
Sir Purrcival wrote:As dumb as it was, lets not make too much out of this. I remember several years ago, the Canucks managed to have a player on their roster for a game that they had traded away a couple of days previous. According to Quin, he looked at the game roster before submitting it as well as (I think) Rick Ley. Both of them missed it. It can happen. McCallum is talking about unprofessional....I'm not too sure he is being professional by talking about it like this.
It also happens sometimes in baseball (AL) where the manager will screw up the lineup card and his DH will be ineligible...
I was thinking the same thing... clerical errors (and that's really all this is) happen all the time, in ALL businesses, at all stages. Usually they're caught while going through several checks, but sometimes they slip through... doesn't matter if you're talking CFL, NFL, hockey, baseball, manufacturing, janitorial, politics, banking...

That they happen isn't surprising... what's surprising is that you don't hear about more of them. What would be really surprising, for me, would be to find out that there AREN'T regular instances like this in other sports, that nobody hears about because they're caught and fixed at the very last second.

McCallum may be right that it's unprofessional, but beaking about it publicly isn't terribly professional either. And as good as he is, he should keep in mind that Wally won't put up with a lot of nonsense from "non-team players" in his den... anyone remember a guy by the name of Joe Smith?