where to watch the Lions downtown

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I usually watch road games at home but was thinking of catching the next game (Fri Oct 11 @Cgy, 6pmPT kickoff) at a downtown pub since I have another downtown event that evening I can partake in immediately thereafter. Lions' website has a page of Preferred Pubs where they claim:
Throughout the season, these partners will support the club on the day of each road game featuring Black and Orange decor, the game prominently displayed on pub televisions (with the play-by-play volume turned up) and pub staff outfitted in BC Lions gear. In addition, many locations offer in-game contests for tickets, t-shirts and replica jerseys!
I haven't watched at a pub in ages. I suppose most folks reading this are outside the city but based on experience this season, can anyone vouch for/recommend any places among those listed as providing a suitable viewing experience (or even suggest which ones might be best avoided)?

Sports can be a peculiar thing. When partaking in fiction, like a book or movie, we adopt a "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" for enjoyment's sake. There's a similar force at work in sports: "Willing Suspension of Rationality". If you doubt this, listen to any conversation between rival team fans. You even see it among fans of the same team. Fans argue over who's the better QB or goalie, and selectively cite stats that support their views while ignoring those that don't.
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I HAVE NEVER, and probably will NEVER watch a Lions road game at a pub downtown.

That being said, I have gone to Original Joe's on Cambie AFTER a home game. I like some of their food options (don't HAVE to have fries with your burger, usually come with a choice of two sides).

I like the Elephant & Castle. There was one in the basement of the Delta Hotel we stayed at before the Bomber game. IIRC, one of those two locations is in the Marine Building (a beautiful building I worked in about 20 years ago).

I hope I'm not steering you wrong here but I'd vote with Original Joes. IIRC, it is a pub that sends a group of people to every home Lions game and its gets mentioned on the jumbotron. If they are organized enough to send a group to every home game, I'd bet they do a good job of hosting road games.....
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notahomer wrote:I HAVE NEVER, and probably will NEVER watch a Lions road game at a pub downtown.

That being said, I have gone to Original Joe's on Cambie AFTER a home game. I like some of their food options (don't HAVE to have fries with your burger, usually come with a choice of two sides).

I like the Elephant & Castle. There was one in the basement of the Delta Hotel we stayed at before the Bomber game. IIRC, one of those two locations is in the Marine Building (a beautiful building I worked in about 20 years ago).

I hope I'm not steering you wrong here but I'd vote with Original Joes. IIRC, it is a pub that sends a group of people to every home Lions game and its gets mentioned on the jumbotron. If they are organized enough to send a group to every home game, I'd bet they do a good job of hosting road games.....
That OJ location might actually work even though it's not downtown since the Canada Line stops literally right across the street from it (also happens to be the best CL platform, very fast getting between street and train, no overly long tunnels or multiple staircases like all the others). Been there a few times before but just for a non-sports evening out meeting friends. Might give it a try since it's right on the CL.
Sports can be a peculiar thing. When partaking in fiction, like a book or movie, we adopt a "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" for enjoyment's sake. There's a similar force at work in sports: "Willing Suspension of Rationality". If you doubt this, listen to any conversation between rival team fans. You even see it among fans of the same team. Fans argue over who's the better QB or goalie, and selectively cite stats that support their views while ignoring those that don't.
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So, how did your PUB game go? I know it wasn't a great game results wise. Did you end up going to OJ's?

I go to Lions game with a long time friend. We usually go out for a nicer meal on the first/last games of the year. Last year we had our Lions last home game after the West Final but unfortunately this year we'll probably go out before the Friday game versus the Stamps. Maybe instead, I'll try and talk him into going to catch the Western Semi at a pub,.......
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notahomer wrote:So, how did your PUB game go? I know it wasn't a great game results wise. Did you end up going to OJ's?

I go to Lions game with a long time friend. We usually go out for a nicer meal on the first/last games of the year. Last year we had our Lions last home game after the West Final but unfortunately this year we'll probably go out before the Friday game versus the Stamps. Maybe instead, I'll try and talk him into going to catch the Western Semi at a pub,.......
I did end up going to OJ's that night, nota, but can't really recommend it for several reasons.

First, there was no sound from the TVs — contrary to how they should be doing things according to the Lions website (which I wouldn't have minded so much if the batteries in the radio I had brought for sound backup hadn't decided that this would be a great night to die). This lack of sound was possibly because of...

Second, while they were doing decent business on the evening, hardly anyone who was there was actually watching the game. Maybe it's not really that big a deal but it just enhances the viewing atmosphere when everyone present is also sharing in the experience; it would be just as lame live at the game itself to have half the crowd reading newspapers, acting like it was a library or something. I'm sure there were over 100 people there, but I'd say only two dozen tops were watching the game. In fact I was beginning to think that nobody else at all was watching until we finally had something to cheer about with our first TD late in the first half (the loudest reaction the whole night not too surprisingly came late on the replay of Harris's bareassed gallop). But this state of affairs probably suits OJ's just fine though. I noticed this one table near me that was occupied by three different parties that came and went in my time there. More turnover = more revenue, I'd think: almost everyone who shows up has something to eat and a couple drinks no matter how brief their stay, but this doesn't necessarily scale out over 3+ hours for those who stay long enough to watch the whole game.

Third, the viewing sightlines of the TVs are rather poor IMHO. The layout of the place is L-shaped with all the TVs situated on the longer arm of the L (this is the part that overlooks Broadway, while the other arm runs back along Cambie). Unfortunately pretty much all of the seating on this Bway arm is of the high barstool type where you can't comfortably rest your feet on the floor while viewing. Also the TVs are high on the walls and most of this barstool seating is so close to them, almost underneath, that you have to keep you head tilted up to watch, which might be uncomfortable for some. I certainly wasn't inclined to keep watching during breaks. This might not be a big deal for some but I find it bothersome. When I watch at home the TV is right at eye level and my feet aren't dangling off some tall stool. As if to rub this point in, the Cambie arm has mostly regular tables and chairs but no TVs. They do have a small island of tables and chairs in the middle of the TV arm which would prob give a better (less inclined) sightline but again it's with all these uncomfortable high stools.

The best thing I can say about the place is that the drinks were reasonably priced. So overall it was better than nothing but frankly I'm not inclined to go back to watch another game. Mostly on account of no sound, which made things difficult to follow at times. It was too frustrating trying to understand what happened on the early no yards penalty — why didn't we didn't decline the penalty, concede the rouge and take the extra 20 yards of field position? — or later on when Eli tackled the QB and got flagged for a major foul (I think it was a MF but I'm only going by how much yardage I recall now 10 days later that they marched off). There was also a booth review late in the game to determine whether a pass was completed; I could follow the outcome based on how play resumed, but I could never understand first nor last whether the on-field ruling was complete and they were reviewing for evidence of no catch, or vice versa.

I'd been at this particular OJ's a few times before but on these occasions it was only to meet friends for a couple drinks without any sports viewing and it's probably fine if this is all you want to do there (and you might as well take the regular, more comfortable tables away from the TVs if this is the case). But surely there must be better options in this town for watching a Lions game at a licensed establishment.
Sports can be a peculiar thing. When partaking in fiction, like a book or movie, we adopt a "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" for enjoyment's sake. There's a similar force at work in sports: "Willing Suspension of Rationality". If you doubt this, listen to any conversation between rival team fans. You even see it among fans of the same team. Fans argue over who's the better QB or goalie, and selectively cite stats that support their views while ignoring those that don't.
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Oh, that sucks, sj-roc.... Sorry! I apologize because I did say it might be a good place to go but your experience clearly shows it was not. And the reasons you outlined make so much sense, so I hear you. I really enjoy watching at home for so many of those reasons (sound, sightlines, atmosphere). I'm still thinking of taking in the West Final at a pub. After all, IIRC, its Rememberance Day the next day, so it might be an easier day than most to 'let loose'. One problem is I'm such a CFL nut, it would probably mean showing up at a bar/pub pretty early. I'd want to take in the Eastern Semi too :cool:

I saw one Superbowl at Superbowl Party at a pub out in Surrey. My friend (and lots of others too) all 'WON' 4 tickets to a Superbowl Party. So, appys were a little cheaper and they had some specials on drinks. Actually my friend walked out with the grandprize of the doorprizes (a dell computer). So what you were saying about sightlines, sound and having other people into the game all makes sense. I got to experience all of that at that Superbowl party.
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notahomer wrote:Oh, that sucks, sj-roc.... Sorry! I apologize because I did say it might be a good place to go but your experience clearly shows it was not. And the reasons you outlined make so much sense, so I hear you. I really enjoy watching at home for so many of those reasons (sound, sightlines, atmosphere). I'm still thinking of taking in the West Final at a pub. After all, IIRC, its Rememberance Day the next day, so it might be an easier day than most to 'let loose'. One problem is I'm such a CFL nut, it would probably mean showing up at a bar/pub pretty early. I'd want to take in the Eastern Semi too :cool:

I saw one Superbowl at Superbowl Party at a pub out in Surrey. My friend (and lots of others too) all 'WON' 4 tickets to a Superbowl Party. So, appys were a little cheaper and they had some specials on drinks. Actually my friend walked out with the grandprize of the doorprizes (a dell computer). So what you were saying about sightlines, sound and having other people into the game all makes sense. I got to experience all of that at that Superbowl party.
Don't sweat it, nota. With my schedule for that night it was probably the best option under the circumstances. To be honest I'd like to go back on a Canucks game night sometime just to see how things compare NHL vs CFL. I still like OJ's as a place to relax with friends but it just doesn't offer a good game viewing experience, at least not on that night. Another factor in this might have been that there was nothing outside, no signs on the walls/windows or on a sandwich board, visible from the street or even on your way up the stairs to the entrance letting people know you could watch the game here. Maybe it wouldn't have helped much but it certainly couldn't have hurt. If I didn't know better from the Lions website I almost wouldn't have bothered going in.
Sports can be a peculiar thing. When partaking in fiction, like a book or movie, we adopt a "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" for enjoyment's sake. There's a similar force at work in sports: "Willing Suspension of Rationality". If you doubt this, listen to any conversation between rival team fans. You even see it among fans of the same team. Fans argue over who's the better QB or goalie, and selectively cite stats that support their views while ignoring those that don't.
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I see the Lions are having a tweetup event for Sunday's playoff game at Wings pub downtown on Granville. Oddly, this place is not listed among their supporting pubs/restaurants.


Come join us at Lions Headquarters on November 10th for our Official Playoff Tweetup at Wings Granville in Downtown, Vancouver. It's the second Tweetup matchup vs. the Saskatchewan Roughridgers in an all-or-nothing Western Semi-Final game, and we want YOU there to cheer on our Lions as they go for the Grey Cup! Kickoff starts at 1:30PM – Doors open at 12:30 PM – and there will be games, trivia and even MORE prizes than last time!

Prizes include Lions jerseys, t-shirts and more!

Here are the details:


PLACE: Wings Tap & Grill
ADDRESS: 1162 Granville St.
PHONE NO.: (604) 682-3473
TIME: 1:30PM – 4:30PM

Our official hashtag for the event is #LionsTweetup – join in on the conversation with your fellow Lions fans to win some awesome prizes!

See you there as we cheer on the Lions – The Pride of All BC!
Sports can be a peculiar thing. When partaking in fiction, like a book or movie, we adopt a "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" for enjoyment's sake. There's a similar force at work in sports: "Willing Suspension of Rationality". If you doubt this, listen to any conversation between rival team fans. You even see it among fans of the same team. Fans argue over who's the better QB or goalie, and selectively cite stats that support their views while ignoring those that don't.
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Is there a pool on how many GreenMeanies show up? I'm betting some will show........
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Hey notahomer,

Do you recall last year in this thread we discussed Original Joe's on Cambie as a place to watch the Lions game and I kind of panned the place?

Kind of ironic that the Lions are having an official viewing party right there at that very location this weekend for the game in Cgy. Coincidentally the game I saw there last year was also against Cgy (let's not get into that outcome).


Can't believe they got the month wrong! August?!? Oh well, I likely won't be going anyway but I'm guessing it would be better viewing than my visit last year.
Sports can be a peculiar thing. When partaking in fiction, like a book or movie, we adopt a "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" for enjoyment's sake. There's a similar force at work in sports: "Willing Suspension of Rationality". If you doubt this, listen to any conversation between rival team fans. You even see it among fans of the same team. Fans argue over who's the better QB or goalie, and selectively cite stats that support their views while ignoring those that don't.
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sj-roc wrote:Hey notahomer,

Do you recall last year in this thread we discussed Original Joe's on Cambie as a place to watch the Lions game and I kind of panned the place?

Kind of ironic that the Lions are having an official viewing party right there at that very location this weekend for the game in Cgy. Coincidentally the game I saw there last year was also against Cgy (let's not get into that outcome).


Can't believe they got the month wrong! August?!? Oh well, I likely won't be going anyway but I'm guessing it would be better viewing than my visit last year.
Yes, I thought it would be a purrfect place at the time. I guess its another engagement idea, of having an official viewing party. I can drink booze but its not a priority so these kinds of places don't really work for me for a Lions game.

It HAD BETTER be better, it didn't sound like it was a nice way to spend MONEY and an evening out......
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It's kind of telling that you click on
and you get "page not found"

Other than the Shark Club, I don't think there are any "preferred pubs" anymore.

For the BC-TOR road game, my friend and I went to the Pint and we were able to get a small table with our own personal (prob 32") TV right above it--this was in the downstairs area. It even had volume controls on it, but there was so much music and pub noise that it was kind of useless. Most of the other TVs there had the Jays vs Red Sox, but hardly anyone seemed to be paying attention to sports. It was funny, one of the nearby TVs along the wall had the frozen image of the TSN CFL panel pregame. When we tuned our TV to TSN1, I noticed that it was Shaw TSN4 that was frozen--and it stayed that way the whole time we were there.
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Nothing at the Shsrk Club tomorrow. Any suggestions for viewing in the GVRD. Thnx BB
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