Hall of Fan - CB123

This Forum contains Member Profiles. These members have achieved Hall of Fame Status (3000 posts) and as such have demonstrated their commitment to the BC Lions and Hall of Fame Members will of course receive respect and admiration from your peers and have the opportunity to place your profile here.
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Team Captain
Posts: 8322
Joined: Tue Oct 01, 2002 7:43 pm
Location: Springhill
Contact: Hall of Fan - CB123
Position: Linebacker
Favourite CFL team: British Columbia Lions
Why are they your favourite team: What kind of question is that...?
If you were abducted by Super Models and forced to cheer for another team who would it be: Hell I would cheer for soccer if they wanted me to.
Other Favourite Sports teams: NCAA: USC Trojans, NFL: Patriots and Steelers
Favourite CFL stadium: Where else? The Dome!
Favourite BC Lion: Jason Clermont
Favourite former BC Lion: Lui
Favourite Food: Steak, and pretty much anything that doesn't have mushrooms, tomatoes or olives on it.
Favourite Bar: um... im 16
Favourite Beer: I guess I have to say rootbeer... lol
Favourite Alcoholic Beverage: Of course I don't know... (Suspicious look)
Favourite Non Alcoholic Bevy: Coke
Favourite Tunes: Classic Rock
Favourite Movie: I don't have one, but Any Given Sunday, Remember The Titans, and Gladiator to name a few.
Hobbies: Football, Snowboarding, and the BC Lions
Favourite BC Lion Memory: That would have to be The Best Game Of All Time! (The 2004 Western Final!)
Best Grey Cup Host City: Vancouver!
My dream vacation is: Going to watch the Lions win a Grey Cup, then flying somewhere hot.
Favourite CFL uniform: BC Lions 2005 3rd Jersey
Strangest things seen at game: That stupid BC Ferries mascot lol. Well actually probably either the Stamps onside kick at BC Place (that should have won them the game) or the botched fumble recovery in the Winnipeg endzone, when we had to settle for the safety...
Words you live by: "If winning isn't everything, why do they keep score?" -Lombardi
Additional Comments: This is an awesome site, keep up the good work.
I own The Grey Cup! .com
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