94 Grey Cup

Details and Discussions of Each Season of BC Lions Football

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Ballistic Bob
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With the world series upon us and the super bowl months away just wondering how many games must a player be on the roster to be on the trophy. MLB seems to allow players with games played and be traded to be on their former team if said team wins. So r practice players on NFL teams. Just wondering if Merv is listed on the 94 GC after being exposed after six games into the season. Pardon the pun. Thnx BB
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Ballistic Bob wrote:
Fri Oct 26, 2018 8:53 pm
MLB seems to allow players with games played and be traded to be on their former team if said team wins.
Oh, that policy is certainly a first that I've ever heard. So have you ever heard of a case in which a former traded player join their former teammates in a World Series celebration if they played enough with their former team? Do you know exactly how many games to qualify? And wouldn't it be very unusual if that said player happened to now be part of the World Series loser?

Anyways, going back to Mervyn Fernandez, he played only 9 seasons in 1994 for the Lions but was released well before the start of the playoffs. There's some discussion about that already on this thread:

On that thread, I had posted a picture of the Grey Cup name plate for 1994 which has now been deleted. But his name was not on that plate, nor was he in the 1985 Grey Cup plate either as he was definitely on the injury list. Now, when it comes to winning a Grey Cup then that is up to the discretion of the team itself. But as far as officially winning a Grey Cup or any league championship, there's certain rules and I don't know exactly what the policy is with the CFL and the Grey Cup. I'm not surprised if a league also requires that a player on the winning team must play a certain number of games with his team to officially qualify as a winner.
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Okay, I'll concede that I stand corrected. :roll:

I managed to find the 1994 Grey Cup plaque and M.FERNANDEZ is clearly seen.

As is the 1985 Grey Cup plaque.

That still leaves the question - how does a person qualify?

In the 2000 BC Lions season, originally Greg Mohns started off as head coach but he resigned in mid-season and was replaced by Steve Buratto. And clearly only S.BURATTO is inscribed:

And in the 2006 BC Lions season, originally the starting running back was Antonio Warren but was released after five games and replaced by Joe Smith. And only J.SMITH appears.
On the same plaque, I don't know why the only Lion who scored the only TD, Ian Smart, is identified as S.SMART.
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This link may not last very long, but someone is selling both the Lions 50th Anniversary Dream season and the 1994 BC Lions Grey Cup team poster:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/B-C-Lions-2003 ... 1282463661

You can get a clear picture of the 1994 BC Lions GC team poster. Mervyn Fernandez is clearly not in the poster. And the caption clearly states that two other instrumental players from the were not there either - Darren Flutie and Sean Millington. I heard that Darren Flutie couldn't make it for the poster because he was attending the birth of his kid. But what valid excuse did local man Sean Millington have? Was it because he was too mad over being cheated out of the Grey Cup Most Valuable Canadian award?
Ballistic Bob
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Thnx Robbie for the info. IMSC a Boston Red Sox player Nomar Garciappara received a ring and a pay cheque for playing in part of their season. He was a high profile player. Thnx BB
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