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Eskimos 35 - Lions 29, Post-Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 9:58 pm
by WestCoastJoe
Slow start, good game, fun game, until the final 4 minutes and on into overtime. Then it was all pain.

Back to defensive form on the last drive. Conservative.


Reilly had too much time on that drive.

Useless timeout by us. Utterly useless.

Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Commentsa

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:02 pm
by WestCoastJoe
First play not good for our OT offence. Khari in panic mode. Jennings not prepped. Receivers not open.


Back to form in the final minutes. Punt. LOL :dizzy: Play it safe when we are out of the playoffs. Whooo Hoooo ...

''The last 30 seconds could have been managed better,'' says Suitor. Yup.

Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Commentsa

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:07 pm
by WestCoastJoe

Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Commentsa

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:08 pm
by WestCoastJoe
Stats and comments coming.

Easy pickings now.

''Lions' defence running out of gas,'' says Cuthbert.

When the chips were down, we just were not ready.

Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Commentsa

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:12 pm
by aklawitter
Lions D sponsored by Staples - That Was Easy

Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Commentsa

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:18 pm
by WestCoastJoe
I think that game sums up our season.

We showed our talent.

We showed the courage of the players.

Then ... We showed prevent defence down the stretch.

We were not prepared for hurry up offence. Our receivers got no separation at the end.

We punted when we had a chance to make one first down and seal the game. We f***ing punted. Yes. We punted. And the wind went out of the sails of our players.

O Line was sieve.

We did have a somewhat different approach from the coaches. Until the end.

We got what our coaches deserved. Shameful end.

Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Commentsa

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:23 pm
by ZLions
Both the players and the fans seemed to run out of gas and lose motivation towards the end. The stadium wasn’t very full at all to begin with, and there were even fewer people there during overtime. The players seemed to show indifference towards the end of the fourth quarter and into overtime as well. Jennings had a good game but did not make plays when it mattered most, same with the defense. O-line was horrendous.

Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:24 pm
by WestCoastJoe
Comical and sad. We had a 17 point lead in the 4th Q.

Then we tried to protect. Tried to save a win. Then tried to ... what? Play for a tie. Hope for a tie. Hope for overtime. :dizzy: Then we were not ready on defence, and we were not ready on offence.

We got what we deserved.

For much of the game, we played like a team liberated. Then we reverted to form.


Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:30 pm
by WestCoastJoe
Good game. Until it became a nightmare. It became very, very painful. I am sure it is much the same for the players.

5 sacks for the Schmos. 2 for us.

The game was there for the taking. 17 point lead. Then we tried to play it safe. And the spirit went right out the door. We were walking dead.

Back later ... shaking my head. It seems this game was a microcosm of our season.

A few years back, teenagers had a saying: "Please shoot me." I expect some fans feel that way. For myself, I do not suffer as much with losses as I did at one time (too many years coaching kids). But this one hurt.

This game might have been the ugliest one of them all. After lots of good plays from the 2nd Q until the final 4 minutes.


Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:30 pm
by Alputt
I was saying in the beginning of the 4th that we had made some great plays on both sides of the football, played an entertaining game (which seems few and far between this year) and wondering where this team was a month or two ago... Then the seemingly inevitable and embarrassing late collapse... There are more astute football minds on here that will succinctly break down the game, and season, but I must admit thinking back to the promise of July/Aug I am pretty disappointed this year.

Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:37 pm
by Alputt
Rainey is obviously motivated to come back... Ianuzzi thanks for everything best of luck with your future endeavors! (I know we still have 2 games left but frankly this week felt like the end of the season)

Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:46 pm
by B.C.FAN
That was another mind-blowing collapse, which has been an all-too-familiar sight this year. For 55 minutes, the Lions played perhaps their most complete game of the year. The defence generated 11 pressures and 2 sacks and forced Mike Reilly to check down all night. B.C. allowed only one pass completion of over 20 yards until the final 6 minutes. Then they stopped doing what was working. Ronnie Yell got beaten by Derel Walker for a 47-yard gain with 4:44 left and the defence went into a shell afterwards, playing soft zone and allowing the Esks to easily score their final 2 TDs for the win. There were breakdowns by the players but it was mainly due to gutless calls by the coaches. They didn't give the defence a chance to make stops to preserve the victory.

B.C.'s special teams had perhaps their best game of the year. Mike Benson scored a TD on a fumbled punt by Brandon Zylstra, which was the game's only turnover. Chris Rainey averaged 30.7 yards on kick returns and 11.7 yards on punt returns and had 277 all-purpose yards. Marco Iannuzzi added 48 yards on a punt return reverse. Ty Long was purrfect all around, and coverage teams were excellent, led by Chandler Fenner with 6 special teams tackles.

The offence was conservative but efficient. Jonathon Jennings was 25 of 31, with 3 throwaways and 2 drops. His only pass that was off-target was his last one in OT, which ended the game with a thud. But the Lions had just 212 yards passing. They didn't challenge the Edmonton defence deep so the Eskimos eventually cheated up and choked down the Lions' short passing game. The longest play from scrimmage was a 47-yard pass and run by Bryan Burnham to set up his own touchdown to make the score 29-13 with 6 minutes left. It should have been enough but we've seen this ending too many times this year.

Re: Lions - Eskimos, Post-Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:52 pm
by Sir Purrcival
Wish I could say I was surprised. Just plain awful and maybe in a very twisted way, the best thing that could happen. Each pathetic loss I hope translates to another nail in the coffin for this coaching effort. I have seen tissue paper put up more resistance that our Oline did tonight. I don't know what happened to the defence in the 4th but it was terminal. 3rd and 2 with 11 seconds and we punt.....WTF. Take the shot, maybe get 10 yards and then maybe you can kick it through the endzone. You are already out of the playoff's take some chances for ch$$#$# sake. Absolutely abysmal game management from our coaches. None of them should be around. I would almost be tempted to fire Jones now, let Travis OC for the remainder of the season and let the chips fall where they may.

Re: Eskimos 35 - Lions 29, Post-Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 12:06 am
by TheLionKing
At least 8 regular season ticket holders didn't bothering showing up for this meaningless game. Sign of the times.

Re: Eskimos 35 - Lions 29, Post-Game Stats and Comments

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2017 12:12 am
by TheLionKing