2015 Canadian Federal Election Thread

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Which party will you vote for in the 2015 Canadian Federal Election on October 19, 2015?

Poll ended at Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:33 pm

Conservative (Stephen Harper)
New Democratic (Thomas Mulcair)
Liberal (Justin Trudeau)
Bloc Québécois (Gilles Duceppe)
No votes
Green (Elizabeth May)
No votes
Strength in Democracy (Jean-François Fortin)
No votes
Total votes: 11
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Sir Purrcival wrote:
2. For awhile, the fear mongering worked. In some ways it is like the boy who cries wolf. For years we have heard nothing but how the CPC are the only ones capable of keeping the country safe and economically viable. For awhile, you can make such things work. Wrap yourself in the flag, put your hand over your heart and say Heil Canada. Harper remorselessly stifled the process of democracy in this country. He muzzled his own people, hindered any government agency that would put forward views contrary to his own goals, avoided and refused to talk to the public or press unless he controlled the message utterly and basically sold a lot of people a bill of goods. After awhile such things begin to wear thin. The public gets tired of repeated warnings and attacks and the result is what you get last night. You had someone that finally said there is a different way and people bought into it. Whether JT can make it work, is another issue but I am among many who welcome the change and I hope that among other things we can once more become a more balanced, open minded nation. I will thank Mr. Harper for one thing. His style of governance really taught me about how important it is to support the mechanisms of our democracy. Too many of them were put in neutral under the CPC and it was enough to shock even me out of my complacency.
And the muzzling of scientists. Decisions made to suit your political agenda and not on scientific evidence.
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Sir Purrcival
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TheLionKing wrote:
Sir Purrcival wrote:Yes. Ding Dong, the Cons are gone. I know that some obviously favour them so no wish to appear ungracious but for me this is the end of the Canadian version of the Bush era. Maybe we can at last starting talking about working together and drop the highly divisive "us vs them" story line that the CPC has been peddling for a decade. I"m sad that the greens didn't get a second seat. They came quite close in Victoria taking 33% of the popular vote. Once again, Alberta appear to be completely out of step with the rest of Canada. Almost a clean blue sweep there. It appears that anything is ok in that province so long as it comes with the term "conservative". It will be interesting to see what happens there with their pipeline agendas now that there are no friends in power at the Federal level. And how long before Stephen Harper resigns his seat for "private sector opportunities"? 6 months, a year before he goes to work for some big oil corporation.

At any rate it is done now and regardless of what was, we are now faced with what is. Hopefully, Mr. Trudeau can find a more positive path for this country.
Interesting Albertans voted for a NDP provincial government a Conservative federally
I think it was pretty much a reaction vote. Much like the NDP in Quebec federally. A one time aberration which will revert back to the norm the next provincial election. The only thing likely to save the NDP there will be if the economy is running swimmingly by the time the next election comes around.
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When it comes its immigration policies, its nation's leaders will definitely get criticized if they allow bad immigrants who cause havoc to the local residents after they are admitted and this is especially true with refugees who sought asylum.

And with the murder of 13-year old Burnaby girl Marrisa Shen in Central Park allegedly by a Syrian National refugee Ibrahim Ali. Just three months after admitted and moving to Canada from Syria as a refugee, he goes and kills someone. Expected, Trudeau has gotten a lot of backlash for Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada which allowed 57,815 Syrian refugees were admitted to Canada between November 2015 and July 2018.
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As with everything, the bad apples gets the publicity. How about the thousands who has done well and is contributing member of society ?
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TheLionKing wrote:
Wed Sep 12, 2018 1:18 pm
As with everything, the bad apples gets the publicity. How about the thousands who has done well and is contributing member of society ?

I am sure we could all go back even in recent history to find someone from all ethnic backgrounds who committed heinous crimes.

There is a global refugee crisis and Canada is doing but a small part to handle a crisis made worse by the USA who won't honour SIGNED treaty obligations for refugees.
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Are you satisfied with the recent budget which outlined C$21 billion ($15.8 billion) in spending over five years on new measures, including help to get first-time buyers into housing, a new skills training benefit, new perks for retirees and students, and the creation of a federal agency to cut the cost of prescription medications?
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Sir Purrcival
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As an election budget it runs pretty much true to form. Trying to offer something to people that they hope will be swayed to vote for them. Primarily a young/old budget with a few perks thrown in for those displaced from the employment ranks by plant closings, resource downturns etc. At this stage, the Libs aren't going to be able to count on woman's votes after the recent SNC Lav fallout which seems to have morphed somewhat into a feminist battle or anti feminist depending on what side of the fence you are on. It looks like the Libs may be trying to get cozy with Unionized workers. Sweep up the leavings of the the Orange wave in Quebec, appeal to young people looking to get into the housing market, try to appeal to seniors by promising reductions in the costs of things like medicine and looking at some of the workforce that has been hit by job losses (many of which are unionized). Throw in some incentives to go greener (Alberta will love that) along with some gimme's to media companies and you have a RedPrint for how the Liberals hope to fare well in the next Fed Election.
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