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Europe wins the Ryder Cup...again!

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:46 pm
by notahomer ... ryder-cup/

Missed all the GOLF but caught the presser LIVE where Phil Mickelson basically threw his captain Tom Watson under the bus for his 'leadership'. Phil babbled on quite extensively about a "POD System" that helped the US win its last Ryder Cup.

It seemed ridiculous simply because I guess I don't understand the POD System. Is Europe using IT? NOt sure. If it is such a clear and easy way to win a Ryder Cup, I'm sure both the US and Europe will be using it soon and then what will FlyingPhil blame when the US, loses?

I think one thing I have always enjoyed about these tournaments is they are the antithesis of what most golf is. Most golf tournaments you go in as an individual. Even if you want to whine and complain about things, the things you complain about are things EVERYBODY in the field has to deal with to an extent. "Oh the rough is too thick, Oh the greens are too fast etc...". It just seems in these 'CUPS' (presidents/ryder) players who have a highly tuned INDIVIDUAL competiveness, then suddenly become team-mates of a guy they may have been battling for a major championship just a few weeks before.

I have to admit I like Mickelson and Watson as golfers. Both have won lots of majors. I can hardly wait until PHil gets his shot at "CAPTAIN" as I think he'll find it a tough job if his team does not come out the winning side.

Re: Europe wins the Ryder Cup...again!

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 10:45 pm
by WestCoastJoe
I have oftentimes greatly enjoyed the Ryder Cup, and the President's Cup. Missed the Ryder Cup this year.

Saw on a news program Phil Mickelson ripping Tom Watson. Ouch ... Ouch ...

I like Phil as a player, as a family man, as a seemingly decent guy, but that seemed horrible.

From the silence of the players, it seemed they agreed with Phil. Dunno. Seemed like bad form. If the players felt that way, at least Phil had the guts to say it.

As some have said, the Captain for one of these deals is not a difference maker. Why slice up a legendary pro like Watson?

In these international deals I used to root for the Americans. Since the advent of the President's Cup, including Canada with the Internationals, I now lean a bit the other way.

Both events can make fabulous television IMO.

Re: Europe wins the Ryder Cup...again!

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 4:42 pm
by notahomer
Well I liked the fact Watson had the guts to throw it right back at the feet of Phil. Players are the ones who win/lose these events, not Captains. I have ALWAYS cheered on the Europeans, probably because at one time, anyways, they seemed like the underdogs. The US will get it figured out and win more of both of these trophies, IMO.

One reporter commented that perhaps an autopsy of what went wrong MAY NOT be the best thing to do RIGHT AFTER ITS ALL OVER.

I like Phil, I won't be surprised to see him issue some kinda mea culpa because Watson may be part of the reason why but certainly NOT THE REASON WHY........