Should new members require a post count threshold...

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Moderator: Team Captains

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Sir Purrcival
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Wow, never knew there was such an issue with Spam, it may not taste that good but is flagging really necessary, you could just buy Klik instead.

I doubt there will ever be a "purrfect" solution but asking questions of new posters will hopefully weed out some. In D we trust.
Tell me how long must a fan be strong? Ans. Always.
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D wrote:If you see spam by all means flag it and a mod will have a look and take appropriate action
sj-roc wrote: You just put that in today since I started this thread, you mean? If so, think it fits the bill :thup:
They'd even have to be careful not to use the US spelling.
I did it a few days ago .... this whole thing is like a cat and mouse game ... I do something they eventually figure it out so I change it up and they figure that out so I do something else and round and round we go :sigh:

some of these spambots sign up and post crap right away .... others sign up and sit dormant for a time before they post crap .... i'm hoping that over time we can get this to a minimum
I see what you mean; I just flagged a post from someone who joined just two days ago.
Sports can be a peculiar thing. When partaking in fiction, like a book or movie, we adopt a "Willing Suspension of Disbelief" for enjoyment's sake. There's a similar force at work in sports: "Willing Suspension of Rationality". If you doubt this, listen to any conversation between rival team fans. You even see it among fans of the same team. Fans argue over who's the better QB or goalie, and selectively cite stats that support their views while ignoring those that don't.
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