“We don’t know squat,” admits Hamilton Councillor

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Some excerpts from the article from TSN ...
In a digital world of texting, tweeting, and video chats, receiving a well thought out letter is a refreshing link to a simpler time. That is, unless you are Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger.

On Monday, Eisenberger was the recipient of a stern memorandum from Hamilton Tiger-Cats owner Bob Young informing the Mayor and members of the city council that the team would be rescinding their support for a proposed stadium project, hinting that the club may be forced to leave Hamilton following the 2011 season.
"It saddens me to advise you that the Hamilton Tiger-Cats football club is withdrawing from any further discussions and negotiations pertaining to the siting of the Pan Am Stadium in Hamilton," Young wrote in the letter to Eisenberger.

"We will play out our days at Ivor Wynne," Young explained. "My major regret is the harsh reality that after next year, there will be no home for Hamilton Tiger-Cats in the city where we shared so much success and positive experiences together."
"The West Harbour option which you personally have driven gives the Tiger-Cats no hope of running a sustainable business," said Young in the letter. "Using “best practice” criteria, and confirmed by leading experts around North America, this proposed stadium would rank dead last in North America in terms of usability for its tenants."

Previously, Young had promised to contribute $15 million toward the east mountain stadium, and another $59 million if the Ticats managed the site. After Monday's letter, it no longer appears Young is willing to make those commitments.
I support Bob Young. Others will support the proposal by the Mayor.

Vive la difference. It makes for interesting news.

I expect the Mayor will cave in. If he doesn't I would expect Bob Young to move his team.
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Interestingly, we could see David Braley have an impact on the fate of a 3rd CFL franchise. Not only is Braley from Hamilton, and a huge CFL supporter, but now that he is the owner of the Argos I doubt he would be happy to see his top rival leave the GTA. I'm sure Braley could exercise a lot of financial and political clout in Hamilton if he choses to do so. I don't know what his relationship is like with Bob Young, but if he wanted to ally himself with Young on this one, he could help bring the Mayor of Hamilton to his knees pretty damn quick.

Personally, I doubt Young wants to move the team. From everything I've ever heard about him he's a Hamiltonion first, and CFL owner second. But I also think Quebec City is a viable option so this mayor better take him seriously.
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bridges have been burned on both sides. Hamilton plus BY cannot equal successful ticats. One has got to go.
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http://www.leaderpost.com/sports/footba ... story.html

Excerpts from the article by By Mark Masters, Postmedia News ...
“I regret that over the course of the past year, you have not been sensitive to our concerns as your tenant,” wrote Young, who bought the Ticats out of bankruptcy in 2003. “My major regret is the harsh reality that after next year, there will be no home for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats in the city where we shared so much success and positive experiences together.

“We will play out our days at Ivor Wynne (Stadium).”
“I’m disappointed in the tactics the Ticats are using,” Eisenberger said. “These are ultimatum tactics. They’re basically asking us to choose between a stadium and a football team and that’s not right.”

Eisenberger, who is running for re-election this fall, wants the new facility to be located in the West Harbour area to help rejuvenate the city’s downtown core.

“The Ticats are not respecting the democratic process and I think this letter shows that they are worried about what the outcome of the council (vote) may be,” Eisenberger said. “But nobody knows what’s going to happen. Council has not yet seen the final report (on the stadium issue), so why pre-empt the process?”
“The West Harbour option gives (us) no hope of running a sustainable business,” Young wrote. “Using ‘best practice’ criteria and confirmed by leading experts around North America, this proposed stadium would rank dead last in North America in terms of usability for its tenants.”
“It is painfully apparent, despite the plethora of information from stadium experts and our own financial submissions, that you (Eisenberger) remain fixated on the West Harbour Stadium and without a strong political champion in Hamilton, it is impossible to continue our efforts with respect to the East Mountain proposal,” Young wrote.
“The Tiger-Cats announcement will be received with great disappointment by many and we know that this is a difficult time,” said Ian Troop, the PanAm 2015 organizing committee’s chief executive officer. “Toronto 2015 hopes that Hamilton Council can proceed with thoughtful deliberation on the stadium. We look forward to the city’s decision this week.”

On Saturday, Troop issued a statement suggesting the stadium must have an anchor tenant in order to justify the use of public funds in its construction. Both the provincial and federal governments have pledged money to the project.

“As I’ve said before, the organizing committee is looking for a long-term plan with viable future usage for this facility,” Troop said. “The city’s own report has said that an anchor tenant is required to make the stadium viable.”
It looks like the Mayor has painted himself into a lose/lose situation.

Plus he might lose the PanAm games.

Politician vs rich businessman. In this case, I think the pol loses.
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http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/f ... le1668824/
Council, however, voted Tuesday night to back the so-called west harbour site, which supporters believe has the potential to lessen the post-industrial wheeze of the area, just north of the city’s challenged core.

Standing by tapping its watch is the deadline-sensitive Pan Am organizing committee, and over its shoulder, the provincial and federal governments, wallets in hand, each ready to shell out up to $28.5-million once a site is chosen.
Ouch. How to shoot yourself in the foot, City Council.
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Did I not read just a few days ago that federal or provincial money would only go for construction of the stadium if the East Mountain site was chosen?

This isn't rocket science. Bob Young and the CFL hold the hammer here, and the city needs to suck it up and put it on the East Mountain site.
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Renovations on BC Place make this stadium crisis in Hamilton look like $1.99 day at Woodwards. lol I'll add that the amount of money being spent to renovate BC Place is ridiculous. A 40,000 seat Empire Field would probably cost about $50,000,000 to complete. (Turning Empire Field into a permanent structure, with seating add ons, that can host a Grey Cup game and give the Lions and Whitecaps enough seating for the big games as well as maintain a great atmosphere for the lesser games of the regular season.)

I hope Hamilton can get this figured out and give the Ti Cats what they need across town. But Vancouver makes this look ridiculous. I would love it if the Lions could buy Empire Field, and the land, from Pavco and make it their own stadium. It would revitalize the Hastings and Renfrew streets area economically too. (More new jobs could be created in East Van than downtown.) It would also minimize traffic downtown and reduce the strain on public transit into downtown during hockey season.

Dominic In Vancouver :2cents: (That's Canadian money there!)
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cromartie wrote:Did I not read just a few days ago that federal or provincial money would only go for construction of the stadium if the East Mountain site was chosen?
That turned out not to be the case.
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Hamilton City Council have never heard the real estate developer phrase: "Will build to suit" :dizzy:
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http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/f ... le1669668/

Excerpt from the article ...
In an interview with The Fan 590 in Toronto on Wednesday, Young did more than drop hints.

“We think it's a massive mistake and may end the Ticats in Hamilton,” he told the Toronto radio station.

Young said he felt “a combination of disappointment and regret” about Tuesday's decision, but says he wasn't surprised.

“We were very aware of what the vote was going to be long before they voted,” he said. “The councillors, to their credit, were very up front with their biases and their preferences.”

Young said he hired experts from across North America assess about 10 sites around the city.

“And they concluded that the West Harbour was the worst of these 10 locations,” Young said.

There were several reasons for the experts' assessment, said Young, including the fact that the site is in a residential neighbourhood and is not near a major highway.
Young had promised $74 M towards the project if any of 9 other sites in the city would be selected.

Nope. The Mayor and City Council wanted just the one site. And now they put any hope of a stadium in jeopardy, with no guarantee of the PanAm 2015 Games, no guarantee of government funding. No money from Bob Young. And the likelihood of losing the TiCats team to another city.

I guess the city politicians were enjoying the power of their votes, and thought Young would crumble, and perhaps even higher governments would jump in and force him to capitulate and spend his money where he didn't want to spend it. LOL

And from some reports it sounds like some disrespecful comments towards Young have been made by them also. Do not insult the Mega Rich. :dizzy:

Those politicians better give their heads a shake. :dizzy:
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jcalhoun wrote:Hey all,

There are municipal elections in Hamilton at the end of October, so the mayor and councilors all have their jobs on the line. I suspect that this is a power play by the Ti-Cats, and seeing as how the mayor won the last election by a mere 425 votes, I think that a major push in advertising/publicity on this issue could easily unseat him. I can't see the Ti-Cats moving. It just isn't going to happen. Especially if the Ti-Cats get on a winning streak heading into the playoffs -- and in the weeks before the election they play us, Toronto and Edmonton (twice), so chances are good they're going to be on a roll.

On a related note, Fred Eisenberger, the mayor of Hamilton, ran for the Tories in the 2004 federal election --maybe a Conservative senator could have a few harsh words with him to set him straight, eh?


ok great... and in what strange world would some senator care about the CFl enough to...... Oh I see what you did there :tease:
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http://www.theprovince.com/sports/Hamil ... story.html
The Hamilton Tiger-Cats and City of Hamilton have been given one final chance to agree on a site for a new stadium.

The two sides have battled publicly for months over where the new facility -- to be used as a soccer venue during the 2015 Pan Am Games -- should be located. Tuesday, the Pan Am Games organizing committee, which must approve the location, said an agreement is needed within two weeks.

Hamilton city council held a special meeting Tuesday and voted 13-2 to look at a new possible compromise location in the city's west end.
Big turnaround by Hamilton council. These people look like idiots IMO. They tried to steam roll Bob Young, but found that the Pan Am committee valued Young's position much more than they did.
"We are acutely aware that this new direction may be (the) last opportunity to kick-start a stadium in Hamilton," Pan Am Games Organizing Committee chief executive officer Ian Troop said in a statement. "Our venue development work for the stadium is hard up against an immovable deadline for test events in 2014. It is critical to have the City of Hamilton and the Tiger-Cats committing to a co-operative partnership with a concrete plan presented to city council on Sept. 14."
September 14.
Just three weeks ago, Hamilton's city council approved a downtown West Harbour site as the location for the 15,000-seat stadium, even though Ticats owner Bob Young vowed his club would never play there. It was later determined that without the Ticats on board as the facility's long-term tenant, the plan did not make financial sense.

The Pan Am Games organizing committee told the city that without the football club involved, any stadium at the West Harbour spot would need to be much smaller than originally planned -- likely around 5,000 seats.
Ha ha. Without the TiCats, Pan Am is throwing cold water on Hamilton council's preference. Tide swings to Bob Young's side.
Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger said it will not be easy to come to an agreement with the Ticats, even with the West Harbour location now off the table.

"I'm not confident at all," said Eisenberger. "I don't think we should suffer from any illusions. There are some challenges (with the possible compromise location) and there's going to have to be an awful lot of work done . . . nobody should jump to the conclusion that this is a slam drunk."
This guy to me seems like an idiot. Disrespecting Bob Young. Over-estimating his own power. Stubborn. With 10 possible sites considered, all but 1 (West Harbour, not financially feasible) agreeable to Bob Young, the Mayor stubbornly goes with that 1 and brings council with him, jeopardizing the stadium and all the funding that goes with it.

Young pulls out prior to council's pre-ordained vote. Hamilton twists slowly in the wind. Pan Am gives reality check to Hamilton, which votes to reconsider. Pathetic city council. And they could screw it up once again.
Young wrote a letter to Eisenberger on Monday expressing optimism about the new location because it is in a commercial area with highway exposure and easy access for fans. The city also sees positive aspects to the site because it allows for brownfield regeneration -- or the redevelopment of a derelict urban site -- and can be linked to public transportation.

Part of the land is currently owned by McMaster University and would need to be acquired by the city, and Eisenberger suggested more funding from higher levels of government will be required to ensure the business plan works.

Neither the city nor Young has done much research into the compromise site.

Council also gave the green light to city staff to examine other sites that may also be agreeable to the Ticats.
Examination of other sites swings the tide back Young's way.

I'm with Bob Young on this dispute.
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Mayor is an idiot. How much of his own money is paying for this project? None. You can't go against those paying for, and needing this site to generate money for personal reasons. No one is on his side, I'm sure he even arm twisted many on the council.

Obviously, I'm with Bob and the rest too.
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A re-opened stadium could be ready before anything is done in Hamilton. I wonder if the team becomes the Ottawa Ti Cats and is sold to the franchise owners there if nothing moves forward in Hamilton.
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