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Tailgate Mess

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:04 pm
by Rick James
Mike McCardell had a story at the end of the Global News Hour showing the mess left behind at the tailgate party yesterday. Way to go Vancouver. :thdn: :thdn:

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:06 pm
by MacNews
What do you expect, 90% of the people tail-gating were band-wagon fans there for the first time. That and Mike McCardell having his reports at the end of the show tell you all you need to know.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:34 pm
by Rammer
Impark should have had signs and more garbage areas available, especially for the price that they ended up charging for this premium event. That said, it floors me that people think that they can just leave their garbage behind on the lot.....unacceptable. As the family men were some of the later people still discussing the post game thoughts, a note was made that some of the mess was completed by garbage bags being routed through during the game by the homeless looking for bottles and such.

I still think that it is better than the complete mess left behind from the 06 WDF.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 8:26 pm
by No Ordinary Joe
Obviously a ton of new fans unaware of the proper tailgate etiquette.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:14 pm
by Shelion
There was that idiot who destroyed his BBQ, smashed it into small peices and just left that mess behind.
He thought he was pretty cool being a tough guy. JERK!!! :x

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:35 pm
by Canuck_4_Life
Something tells me that we (those in the lot every week) are done at Impark. Our good clean fun being ruined by people too lazy to clean up after themselves.

AC/DCrocks and I were talking about the mess as we were headed towards skytrain. It's not like the weather was bad before or after the game.

That's just brutal. :thdn:

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 9:41 pm
by Shaggy
We packed up our garbage and took it away, but there was trash strewn around our vehicles when we returned after the game. I was wondering if perhaps it was seagulls getting into some of it, but the homeless guys rooting through for empties makes sense too...

I look at tailgating like camping....leave it like you found it.
If you brought it down, haul it away. It's not a difficult concept.
Yes, Impark could provide some waste bins on days when they bend you over for "Event Parking" but ultimately it comes down to the individual.

Take an extra 10 minutes to clean up instead of trying to pound down an extra beer before you head inside for the game. Or just head in late.

Thumbs up to the regular crowd that takes pride in "doing it right" and thumbs down to the pinheads who don't give a rat's @ss about anyone but themselves. It would be nice to box up that broken BBQ and Fedex it to the clown COD.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:03 pm
by Charlene
Proper tailgate etiquette? What about the fact that we were all raised to not effing litter!! :x

It was absolutely disgusting in that parking lot when i came back after the game.

Maybe a letter should be written on the behalf of the people that actually care and made an effort, apologizing to impark and to anyone else for the horrendous mess left behind.


Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:11 pm
by OrangeShoes99
Yep, the bad seeds will ruin it for everyone else. I think Charlene has a great idea.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:33 pm
by Soundy
Rammer wrote:Impark should have had signs and more garbage areas available...
There's a sign as soon as you enter the lot that states NO TAILGATING, so in light of that, I'd say providing garbage cans and "Clean up your own mess" signs for the people disobeying that sign is not likely to happen.

As I said in another thread, also in light of that sign, the fact that it's still allowed to go on with little or no hassle from Impark, security, and the VPD, is very cool, and :thup: to all of the above organizations for their ongoing support. They already go above and beyond to support the fans.
Canuck_4_Life wrote:Something tells me that we (those in the lot every week) are done at Impark. Our good clean fun being ruined by people too lazy to clean up after themselves.
Hopefully not - the same was thought after WDF last year as well. Hopefully those in charge notice that such messes do not exist after regular-season TGs and recognize that it's NOT the regular crowd's doing.
Charlene wrote:Maybe a letter should be written on the behalf of the people that actually care and made an effort, apologizing to impark and to anyone else for the horrendous mess left behind.
I'd sign on to that!

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:36 pm
by Shaggy
Yeah, if we could do some sort of "e-petition" I'm all for that.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 10:37 pm
by Canuck_4_Life
Perhaps an open letter to Impark directly (one copy to their Vancouver headquarters, addressed to David Yip (Operations Manager, Greater Vancouver) and a copy to the editor of the Vancouver Sun and Province as well?

If I don't see anything posted before Thursday, I'll craft something up to see if it makes any sense before sending it off and posting it on here. I've got 4.5hrs on Thursday to come up with something.

If I'm Impark, I look at this issue very carefully. I'll call last year's mess an isolated incident. This year, the cops were there for a while, and wisely decided not to interfere. Hopefully, the VPD and Impark will see that the core group of us aren't the problem. It's all the other groups that were also in the lot.

Should we have to clean up their mess, giving them implied permission to do it every game, saving our own tailgating ways in the process? It's a darned if you do, darned if you don't situation.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 6:35 pm
by Lionheart
I'm going to agree with James. As soon as this is made a bit more "official" they may want to handle it more officially. Remember what happened with easypark?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 9:14 pm
by No Ordinary Joe
I agree, I think a letter to Bobby Ackles might be more appropriate. He's been to a tailgate party before so if he receives a letter from those of us who frequent the tailgate parties he'd be impressed and more inclined to take our side since he's already been and can say from experience that the regular group is respectful and does it the right way if Impark decides to give us troubles next season.

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:47 pm
by Soundy
I was down with writing the Impark letter at first, but the arguments against have convinced me. I would suggest that in writing to Bobby, we note that he should feel free to share it with Impark (or send a separate one specifically for him to forward on) IF they make a stink to him.