Eskimos 39 - Lions 23 -- Post-Game Comments

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I thought the last roughing the passer call should attract supplementary discipline. Reilly was already wrapped up by onedefender when a second player ran into Reilly head first making helmet to helmet contact, avery heavy hit. I think te video ref called it from the booth. Should be a suspension if the league isseriousabout preeting injuries. And for those who miss Soly, hes still injurred and hasnt played a down this year. Weve used all kinds pf pressure packages in our two games that offences adjusted to miniize their impacts why cant the Lions offense also adjust? A question for Jackson.
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Its early in the football season but its also easy to understand why our Leos have lost their first two games of 2019. We haven’t played well on both sides of the football, as our offence and our defense rank 7th in the CFL.


This poor start to the 2019 football season has surprised some fans and sports columnists. There was a contingent who believed that the only real serious problem of the 2018 football season was a lack of quality quarterbacking and both Lulay and Jennings were mostly blamed for our struggles. The free agent signing of Mike Reilly was all we needed to get to the Promised Land.

Reilly may still do that. But its also important to remember that the Eskimos and not the Lions were the West Division team that missed the playoffs last year – and their quarterback was Mike Reilly.


I was never one who blamed the shortcomings of our offence on our quarterbacking last season. I viewed the major problems of our offence were mostly due to our offensive scheme, which featured far too much RPO, and was too predictable and therefore easy to scheme against for an opposing defense. The high number of sacks, pressures, pass knockdowns, and quarterback hits took a toll.

The first two contests of the 2019 season have looked like a mirror image of last season. An abundance of RPO has not worked, Reilly, like Lulay and Jennings last year, has been quickly pressured, hit, sacked, and taken a beating. The only thing that has worked on offence this season, like last season, has been the long ball.

Last season, Travis Lulay had a quarterback efficiency of 84.8, completing 60.1% of his pass attempts. His 3.5% interception ratio was worst in the CFL. Jonathan Jennings had a quarterback efficiency of 85.6, completing 67.4% of his passes. His interception ratio in 2018 was 2.9.

Ed Hervey determined that we needed to upgrade the quarterback position and Mike Reilly was signed to an expensive contract. Mike Reilly had a 99.5 quarterback efficiency with Edmonton in 2018, completed 67.3% of his passes (with the best average pass completion in the CFL) and had an interception ratio of 2.9.

I was very supportive of Jonathan Jennings and Travis Lulay last season, as I was of Jeremiah Johnson. I also wanted to see Manny signed and return as Leo over Duron Carter, because Carter runs poor routes and doesn't create a high sense of trust, whereas Manny gave it his all on every play.


But Ed Hervey saw things differently. He not only signed free agent Mike Reilly but he also paid huge dollars for a guard in Suhk Chung, signed Duron Carter as our second International receiver over Manny Arsenauux, and also signed the often injured ex-Eskimo White over Jeremiah Johnson or Tyrell Sutton (who he gave up a 2nd round draft choice for midway through 2018, while raving about the trade).

After two games, Mike Reilly’s stats look much worse than Jennings or Lulay’s stats of last season. Reilly has a dismal 68.6% quarterback efficiency so far in 2019, has only completed 54.4% of his passes, and has a mind boggling 4.5 interception ratio. He’s also been sacked John White has only carried the football 12 times in our first two games and has a very mediocre 2.3 yds. per rush average.

Mike Reilly is a much better quarterback than his stats show over our first two games. We’ve only averaged 18 points per contest offensively and Reilly is also more than capable of leading an offence to far greater points per game.


However its also easy to focus on the seasons that Reilly was an elite or MOP quarterback in Edmonton. Those successful seasons offensively only happened with Jason Maas coaching the offence in Edmonton.

Prior to Maas arriving in Edmonton with a new offensive scheme, Reilly had his struggles in Edmonton, while quarterbacking MaAdoo and Jarious Jackson’s RPO scheme. Both coaches also had their struggles with the RPO scheme in Saskatchewan.


So, on offence, we made major changes at quarterback, to offensive line personnel, to the receiver position and the running back position.

We might have been better off to have made less changes offensively but made a most important one this off-season – either getting rid of Jarious Jackson’s RPO scheme or if necessary Jarious Jackson himself, if that scheme is all he knows or all he believes in, which seems to be the case, based upon his reluctance to make changes to it.

Claybrooks was able to choose his assistant coaches, with the exception of Jarious Jackson, whom Ed Hervey made clear, would be returning for his second season as offensive coordinator. Claybrooks has a dilemma on his hands.

Defenses know our scheme and know how to defend it. Our offence is not only stuggling but we are also taking a huge risk with Reilly's health by sticking with this pathetic scheme which is resulting in a ton of hits and sacks, as Lulay and Jennings faced last season. Eventually, when the odds are going to result in a Reilly injury. Reilly may be tough but he is not invincible.


Our Leos also made major changes on defense this season. Three of those changes have had serious repercussions so far this season. Shawn Lemon tied for 3rd in the CFL in quarterback sacks in 2018. Both he and Odell Willis, who also had the same number of sacks, were the key to our excellent pass rush in 2018.

With Davon Coleman and Claudel Louis patrolling the middle of the defensive line, this is one unit one would think Ed Hervey would have wanted to return whole for 2018. But no, he let Lemon walk and worse still, did not replace him with anyone other than an untried rookie without a pedigree.

Perhaps, just as bad, Hervey let Bo Lokombo, a local product as well as our leading tackler in 2018 also walk away, with no interest in signing him. Lokombo was not only as starting outside National linebacker but he was also an excellent special teamer. Lokombo as also a very bright spot in our 2018 defense.

Thirdly, we let Winston Rose go to Winnipeg with no attempt to sign him either. Rose tied as our leading interceptor in 2018 and enjoyed a successful season.

Hervey said goodbye to our leading sacker, leading tackler, and leading interceptor as if they were nothing to replace.

For 2018, we’ve attempted to replace Lemon with Bo Lokombo with Maleki Harris while signing often injured Adam Konar to a huge contract as a backup, replacing Winston Rose with Thermason, and then were forced to sign Anthony Thompson just prior to our first game, as we could not find a player to replace a player Hervey thought was very replaceable.


I have confidence in both Stubler and Claybrooks, in terms of our 2019 defensive scheme and defensive coaching. Stubler was snapped up by John Hufnagel in seconds after Buono attempted to scapegoat our 2013 playoff loss on Stulber. The next season Calgary won the Grey Cup with Stubler’s defense playing a key role.

Stubler’s last stint in B.C was in 2012 and 2013, when Benevedes hired him as defensive coordinator, considering him a mentor. Stubler’s 2012 defense set many records and in 2013, our defense was still one of the best in the CFL. Claybrooks also views Stubler as a mentor. Stubler’s last two seasons in Toronto and Montreal were tough gigs, due to personnel, as is this 2019 defensive edition of the Lions, in terms of defensive talent.

I have confidence that our defense will improve as the season progesses because it’s a trademark of Stubler’s coaching over a long career. Claybrooks has also proven that he can coordinate a defensive scheme that players understand and enjoy playing in.

Mark Washingon’t defenses, as his playoff record proved, had difficulty game planning and adapting. Giving up 48 points to Hamilton last season was not surprising, as our defense always gave up huge point deficits in playoff games under Mark Washington over his 5 seasons..

I’m much more confident, defensively, with Stubler and Claybrooks impact on our defense over Washington and Buono’s body of coachng work.


How to sort it out?

Offensively I desperately believe we need a new scheme.

Defensively, without a strong pass rush and a less than stellar linebacking unit, its not going to be easy.

We’re also playing two Nationals in the secondary, both of whom were not touted as exceptional and Thompson initially was not wanted back at all.

We may need to pick up some NFL cuts for defensive end, outside linebacker, free safety and cornerback. This defensive unit is not good enough, talent wise.
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How much longer must boyko be in , he is just not cutting it
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Pistrinus wrote:
Sun Jun 23, 2019 5:22 pm
How much longer must boyko be in , he is just not cutting it
Boyko played well in preseason and in the first regular season game. The Lions often used max protection in that game to neutralize Winnipeg's feared pass-rushers. This week the Lions tried to use five or six blockers against Edmonton’s frequent blitzes. That required receivers to run hot routes and Reilly to make quick passes. Neither happened. The O-line can be faulted for some of the Edmonton sacks but not for all of them.
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Points well made, Blitz.

Our team has personnel issues. We have scheme and playbook issues on offence. There is also a leadership issue. IMO.

Jarious Jackson's offence is a failure once again. It failed under Travis Lulay. It failed under Jonathon Jennings. It is failing even moreso under Mike Reilly. The passing game leads to hellacious pressure on the QB. Way too many hits, hurries and sacks. The run game is non-existent.

Receiving corps. It does not look to be championship calibre. Burnham looks like he has lost some focus. Carter is his usual self, on the field, seemingly lackadaisical. At least there have been no acting out issues so far with him. Durant looks good. Johnson and Cottoy getting to show little so far.

Not sure what White and Rutley can do, as they have hardly been called upon. They are of the smurf variety of running backs, not like JJ24 and Tyrell Sutton, who could pound the rock.

O Line. Not getting to pound the rock, and put the defence on its heels. It is a head shaker that we are not using these huge, talented monsters to run block the opponents into the ground. The D knows Reilly is going to pass the ball. The DL and LBs get their motors up. The OL is defending in pass protection, not attacking in a run game. This is Strategy 101, and we are ignoring it.

One gets the impression that Reilly could have used the run option all game, but chose instead to pass. That is on him, Jackson and Claybrooks. It is also on Hervey if Reilly feels that the team is his to run, beyond the authority of the coaches. It happens with some QBs, that the team reflects them, more than the coaches. It was like that with Joe Kapp here before he moved on to the NFL. Head Coach Dave Skrien sent the FG team on to the field, and Kapp sent them right off. Reilly refusing to leave the field is, imo, a leadership issue. It is making the backups irrelevant and useless. Reilly's health is greatly at risk, and then the backup has had no reps.

Defence. We obviously miss Lemon, Orange, Lokombo and Rose. But this fan thinks Stubler and Claybrooks will be able to solve our defensive issues. Thompson was released. And then rushed into action. Strange. Thus far it does not look like we have a good, overall defensive plan. We have not stopped the run. We have not stopped the pass. We have not pressured the QB.

Other than personnel issues, scheme issues, and a possible leadership issue, everything is fine. Ha ha. Well ... there is the 0 and 2 record, with the Stampeders next up.

Things are not all Rosey, nor Lemony, nor even Orangey. Ha ha.

(Once again, Wally withdrawal symptoms? No. Wally's time had passed, and he had brought us some success, especially the early GC run of 2005/2006, and 2011. Our hopes live and die with the new group.)

Just imo.
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offensive design or execution can change , but also each individual player has to play with basic fundamentals
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The irony in watching McAdoo call the plays in the SASK v OTT game was the even the announcers were saying that both OCs were brilliantly mixing the play calls up and making the right call for the situations they were in. I was a bit shocked as McAdoo and Jarius Jackson seem cut from the same cloth - they get in a rut and forget to vary things up.

Hervey has jettisoned a lot of the veteran leadership group and it's not clear yet who - other than the QB will instil the right winning culture into the team.

As for as singling out Boyko who basically hasn't much actual pro playing experience, I'm not sure how you handle the extra people who were coming off that right side - other than you vary the play calls to let them in but you run left. However the pressure was coming everywhere across the LOS and the REC were covered or Reilly wasn't able to see them.

It's not about one player or two unless that ONE Player is is more like 3 or 4 with someone on the D-Line who can get to the QB versus just be held up or in the LB corps who is like an Adam Bighill/Sol E (if healthy) or at Safety who can help align the DBs who are not up to the job yet.

Chris Burns says Brian Chiu is a good OL coach but if the OC isn't bringing in a running game then it's going to be a long season.

Remember back to the days of a great run game - Joe Smith etc and this excerpt from a Blitz Post speculating on a an OC a few seasons back:

"We led the CFL in scoring in 2007 with Kruk calling the plays and we won 9 out of 11 games with Jarious at quarterback, in his first season ever starting a game with our Leos...mostly based on a powerful run game. With Logan and Harris back for 2014 and the new blocking scheme we introduced towards the end of the season back Kruck would be a choice (for OC) worth considering. I have no idea why Moore was let go...supposedly to bring in Jarious as quarterback coach ...."
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With all the comments on the running game, here are some sobering stats. Toronto, B.C. and Calgary have been the most pass-happy teams through Week 2, and they're a combined 0-4. Saskatchewan, Edmonton, Hamilton and Winnipeg have the most balanced pass/run ratio and they're a combined 5-2. Both losses are by Saskatchewan but the Riders are averaging a healthy 29 points per game.

Pass/run ratio
Toronto 88%
B.C. 79%
Calgary 77%
Ottawa 64%
Montreal 63%
Winnipeg 60%
Hamilton 59%
Edmonton 58%
Saskatchewan 54%
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DeVone Claybrooks was on TSN 1040 Monday morning and offered some interesting comments on leaving Mike Reilly in the game and on Edmonton's pass rush.
Lions head coach DeVone Claybrooks defended his decision to keep Reilly in the game, saying he had the bigger picture in mind.

“You have to look at it from the aspect of the whole season, and it’s about the makeup and the stand that you’re trying to establish on your team,” Claybrooks told TSN 1040 in Vancouver on Monday. “I’m preaching that the game’s not over until the last zero is on the clock and what kind of preaching would I be doing if I pulled my quarterback out when I’m telling my guys to fight until the final whistle?”

Along with the seven sacks the Eskimos recorded on Reilly, they were also flagged for five roughing-the-passer penalties on their former quarterback. Claybrooks said he was disappointed in a few of the hits, but pulling Reilly early was not a consideration.

“We talk to Mike all the time, it’s a very open line of communication,” Claybrooks said. “That’s my leader and that’s the guy that I’m going to ride.”
“[The Eskimos] did a good job of being in a seven-up and moving around the front. So it was kind of tough identifying where we were going. Identifying it is key. If you’re able to ID it, then now we can understand it where you know who and what guy they have and what responsibility they have.

“If you’re having trouble identifying it, you’re having trouble knowing who you’re blocking, so that in turn is going to make you play slow. It’s things like that we have to clean up and everybody has to be on the same page.”
Claybrooks doesn’t pull Reilly as he preaches playing until the final whistle
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From TSN. Will post the url later (cannot copy it on this tablet). ... -1.1327735

Edit. I see BCFAN posted the same quotes just above. I will leave these in.
“You have to look at it from the aspect of the whole season, and it’s about the makeup and the stand that you’re trying to establish on your team,” Claybrooks told TSN 1040 in Vancouver on Monday. “I’m preaching that the game’s not over until the last zero is on the clock and what kind of preaching would I be doing if I pulled my quarterback out when I’m telling my guys to fight until the final whistle?”

“We talk to Mike all the time, it’s a very open line of communication,” Claybrooks said. “That’s my leader and that’s the guy that I’m going to ride.”

[The Eskimos] did a good job of being in a seven-up and moving around the front. So it was kind of tough identifying where we were going. Identifying it is key. If you’re able to ID it, then now we can understand it where you know who and what guy they have and what responsibility they have.

“If you’re having trouble identifying it, you’re having trouble knowing who you’re blocking, so that in turn is going to make you play slow. It’s things like that we have to clean up and everybody has to be on the same page.”
A bit of bafflegab there. Claybrooks justifies keeping Reilly in. Nothing to do with Reilly wanting to stay in. Uh Huh.

I say pull the starter. He was getting pounded. He won't win any games from the infirmary.

It is obvious our OL do not know which player to block. Pass? Run? The D seem to know the coming play, and they easily confuse our guys with stunts and movement.

Claybrooks talks about the difficulty of identifying which players to block. My view --> Overly complicated offensive scheme, requiring too much thinking. Predictable play calls. Stunts, overloads and movement by the D giving us headaches.

Our offence is a train wreck. I will be pleasantly surprised if it gets straightened out. (Not gonna post a picture of a train wreck, although I did look a few pictures up.)
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The Lions to need tuft the RPO, which is predominately a passing attack, and call running plays in the huddle and then the Oline will know who to block.

Right now the Lions are unwatchable so they better start doing things differently and not just talk about it.
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The Lions have signed American DB Brandon Dozier, an all-star with the Als last year. Hopefully that's a step in the right direction for the secondary. There's the scheme (too much bending and breaking) that needs to be adjusted, but personnel is equally important, and some of the boys back there weren't getting the job done. Mind you, we weren't hurrying the opposing QB much at all so it's a tougher job back there. Good luck to young Mr. Dozier. He's only 25. ... on-dozier/
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Gridiron Ernie wrote:
Mon Jun 24, 2019 3:03 pm
The Lions have signed American DB Brandon Dozier, an all-star with the Als last year. Hopefully that's a step in the right direction for the secondary. There's the scheme (too much bending and breaking) that needs to be adjusted, but personnel is equally important, and some of the boys back there weren't getting the job done. Mind you, we weren't hurrying the opposing QB much at all so it's a tougher job back there. Good luck to young Mr. Dozier. He's only 25. ... on-dozier/
Out of the box thinking....signing a player who hasn't played for EE.
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A quick follow-up note re Branden Dozier; he played safety, and as an Eastern conference all-star snagged 5 interceptions in 2018. Seems promising so far as personnel goes. Plus he was a regular on special teams.
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Great signing of Dozier. Hopefully this means the Termansen experiment is over because he has looked awful in two games.

Now I'd like to see improvements to our pass rush, and put Knevel in for Boyko at RT. Actually, I'd also like to see another international receiver brought in since we seem to not be using Cottoy at all so might as well bring in someone who we'll use.
Roar you Lions roar!
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