Cats Eyes site masthead gone

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I kind of miss the Cats Eyes site masthead. (It was nice getting it back after the 2017 site revamp). This new one (since yesterday) is kind of generic "graffiti"-like.
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The new one seems a bit "Halloweenish" to my eyes... yes, I "bleed" Orange, but not sure if I drip it...
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New regime with the lions felt it was time for a change. I also switched the background to the black bricks. What would look good the bricks i thought... graffiti lol
It’s a work in progress but the cats eyes are on vacation
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The font looks most like the "dripping" version of #37 Gang Bang Crime ... 11121160/2
TBH, I never really paid much attention to what font the last one was, the blinking eyes were so hypnotic.
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Yes that’s the font ... it’s the brick wall with dripping paint
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Looks good to me D. I am fine with it.

Everything needs a fresh coat of (dripping) paint once in a while. :thup:

DH :cool:
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Thanks David I’m not really sold on it just playing around but there will be a new look even if it’s an old one returning
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The new (this morning) script font is interesting. Kind of evokes a classic varsity (or Lions 1954-64) look. The lighting effect works with that style of font.
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I like the brick background and was thinking what would look good on the bricks other than bleeding paint. Only other thing I could think of was neon lol so we’ll see if it makes the regular season roster lol
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Nice to see the old blinking eyes back again. :beauty:
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Welcome back to the cat's eyes.
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Yeah a few other changes as well
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I approve of the changes. Looks awesome :thup: :thup:
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