Khalif Mitchell signed to Rider PR

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Yes, apparently Mitchell's twitter feed has been made private so now only approved people can read his stuff. There was also a report on a Riders website that Jones had to do some damage control with the Jewish community in Sask. Call me silly but part of me thinks that Jones could be more productively using his time to try and correct the problems of his football team. So in this, he already seems to have created work for himself. Mitchell is going to have to be superlative in order to stick with any team at this stage and based on his last playing days, I just don't see that as likely.

The league has already made public that they are going to be watching this situation closely and if there is any hint of the personal opinion stuff bringing the league into disrepute, I suspect they will act very quickly to suspend Mitchell. I guess they can disqualify him from playing in the league but I don't know where their powers start and stop in that regard.
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Sir Purrcival wrote:Yes, apparently Mitchell's twitter feed has been made private so now only approved people can read his stuff. There was also a report on a Riders website that Jones had to do some damage control with the Jewish community in Sask. Call me silly but part of me thinks that Jones could be more productively using his time to try and correct the problems of his football team. So in this, he already seems to have created work for himself. Mitchell is going to have to be superlative in order to stick with any team at this stage and based on his last playing days, I just don't see that as likely.

The league has already made public that they are going to be watching this situation closely and if there is any hint of the personal opinion stuff bringing the league into disrepute, I suspect they will act very quickly to suspend Mitchell. I guess they can disqualify him from playing in the league but I don't know where their powers start and stop in that regard.

Apparently a Jewish group from Toronto, home of Canada's largest Jewish population, were on the phone with Jones for over an hour discussing K. Mitchell. Rest assured that if Mitchell continues to publicly spew his Neo-Nazi racist garbage the Jewish community in this country will be a lot swifter than the Riders and the plodding CFL in its reaction.

So yeah, another mistake by Jones requiring him to spend time on public statements, press conferences, private conversations and damage control instead of coaching football. :dizzy:
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This is an utter failure of leadership, once again, by the slow moving CFL. Under no circumstances should they have ever let the Riders even sign Mitchell to the practice roster. This is a bad look for everyone. Jones looks grossly incompetent for failing to do his due diligence here, and the CFL looks the same for failing to advise the Riders against this course of action. As soon as the Riders said they were going to sign this guy, the league should have stepped in and said no. This all could have been done quietly and without any fanfare. Instead, you've got everyone talking about this instead of what's going on with the league itself.

Khalif has already shown in less than a week why he's not worth the trouble. This whole situation undermines the credibility of the league, which is what their leadership should be trying to protect. Wimpy statements like "we are closing monitoring the situation" are nothing more than shameful dithering and a lack of backbone. This whole situation is pathetic all around.
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I don't think that it is as bad as you suggest. Firstly, to the best of my knowledge, Mitchell hasn't committed a crime or done anything illegal. He may be morally bankrupt and cognitively challenged but those conditions do not preclude him from seeking employment playing football. There are a lot of football players that aren't saints who have been allowed to play. What the league has done which I do think is the responsible position is to say that "we will be watching". If there is anything that Mitchell does that crosses a line, he will be gone quickly. He is on a tight leash as he should be but I don't think his actions as deplorable as they seem have risen to the level of "no way, no how". Like it or not, (in this case not), he is entitled to his point of view and if we were to banish everyone who held a controversial or unpopular opinion from seeking employment, then most of us would have at sometime or another ended up on the dole. In someways, I would rather have that guy playing than the player who has a ridiculous track record for injuring fellow athletes with dangerous plays (Ulf Samuelson anyone). Imagine letting people continue to play a game when they have repeatedly hurt other players doing illegal things. If they can continue their careers, then surely someone who is a loudmouth and ignorant (and who actually has a diagnosed disorder, ADD) can continue to have his opportunity.
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Sir Purrcival wrote:I don't think that it is as bad as you suggest. Firstly, to the best of my knowledge, Mitchell hasn't committed a crime or done anything illegal. He may be morally bankrupt and cognitively challenged but those conditions do not preclude him from seeking employment playing football. There are a lot of football players that aren't saints who have been allowed to play. What the league has done which I do think is the responsible position is to say that "we will be watching". If there is anything that Mitchell does that crosses a line, he will be gone quickly. He is on a tight leash as he should be but I don't think his actions as deplorable as they seem have risen to the level of "no way, no how". Like it or not, (in this case not), he is entitled to his point of view and if we were to banish everyone who held a controversial or unpopular opinion from seeking employment, then most of us would have at sometime or another ended up on the dole. In someways, I would rather have that guy playing than the player who has a ridiculous track record for injuring fellow athletes with dangerous plays (Ulf Samuelson anyone). Imagine letting people continue to play a game when they have repeatedly hurt other players doing illegal things. If they can continue their careers, then surely someone who is a loudmouth and ignorant (and who actually has a diagnosed disorder, ADD) can continue to have his opportunity.
I don't know about laws in the USA, but AFAIK there are Hate Laws in Canada that make publicly spewing hatred to groups or individuals illegal. Presumably Mitchell's recent pro Neo-nazi public ant-Semitic tweets and retweets and criticism of WWII vets was done while he was in the USA so technically he has yet to do anything illegal on this trip to Canada. Still, imo the CFL is taking a very weak stance on this guy given a whole list of past transgressions both on and off the field for Mitchell. He has already failed previously offered second chances and I am not happy seeing this guy get any more chances in the CFL.
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Sir Purrcival wrote:I don't think that it is as bad as you suggest. Firstly, to the best of my knowledge, Mitchell hasn't committed a crime or done anything illegal. He may be morally bankrupt and cognitively challenged but those conditions do not preclude him from seeking employment playing football. There are a lot of football players that aren't saints who have been allowed to play. What the league has done which I do think is the responsible position is to say that "we will be watching". If there is anything that Mitchell does that crosses a line, he will be gone quickly. He is on a tight leash as he should be but I don't think his actions as deplorable as they seem have risen to the level of "no way, no how". Like it or not, (in this case not), he is entitled to his point of view and if we were to banish everyone who held a controversial or unpopular opinion from seeking employment, then most of us would have at sometime or another ended up on the dole. In someways, I would rather have that guy playing than the player who has a ridiculous track record for injuring fellow athletes with dangerous plays (Ulf Samuelson anyone). Imagine letting people continue to play a game when they have repeatedly hurt other players doing illegal things. If they can continue their careers, then surely someone who is a loudmouth and ignorant (and who actually has a diagnosed disorder, ADD) can continue to have his opportunity.
In my view, it is difficult to compare illegal behaviors such as robbery, sexual assault, murder, etc. with holding offensive beliefs such as supporting genocide of Muslims or Jews. Behaviors depend on particular circumstances and an individual's ability to control impulses. If someone who has committed a crime can show remorse and show that they have taken steps to adjust their circumstances and control impulses so that the behavior is unlikely to reoccur, then by all means they deserve a second chance. If, on the other hand, they showed no remorse and continued to commit crimes, obviously no organization could continue to employ such a person.

When I hire people, I always check their social media profile. It's just part of doing due diligence to ensure that the person I am considering bringing in is not going to bring disrepute to the organization. Riders are a publicly owned institution that relies entirely on the public's support and goodwill for their existence. Bottom line: bringing in someone who publicly advocates genocide during a period when many people are already questioning their management shows very bad judgement. Riders management deserves all of the scorn they are getting, and more.

Whether or not you support laws which restrict intellectual freedom or free speech, citizens who value living in a society which respects diversity should be willing to stand up to those who advocate hatred or violence towards a group of people. We should not cheer them on, or be fans, or create opportunities for them to raise their public profile.
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Ok, lets start with the position that particular circumstances and an individuals ability to control impulses should weigh in when deciding how much or how little tolerance we should have of negative behaviour (I think we can all agree that his behaviours are a negative).

If we go by this criteria, how do we assess ability to control impulses? The man has ADD. That makes a lack of impulse control almost a given. Should we factor in upbringing? I don't know what his particular circumstances are but suppose for the sake of argument that he grew up being taught some of the crap he spews. It isn't that long ago that Jim Keegstra was teaching in public school in Alberta that the Holocaust never happened so that is not really that far fetched. He certainly did grow up in a country that has some serious issues with racial intolerance and bigotry. Yes, he is an adult and he does bear some responsibility for his actions but he is also hampered by a condition that can profoundly affect a person's ability to learn and grow. In short he is special needs. He has challenges that many of us don't necessarily have or readily understand. He looks like a fully developed adult that doesn't want to learn and continually says abusive and vile things.

Don't misinterpret me. His views are contemptible but in his case there is at least some possibility that he may not be able to control some of what he does. Having worked with ADD sufferers, I can tell you first hand that some of what he exhibits is textbook. Spouting out whatever comes into his mind at a given moment, challenges in reasoning or learning from past behaviours. Difficulty in navigating and understanding social situations often resulting in frustration and outbursts both physical and verbal. It doesn't mean he gets a free pass but he may indeed get a little longer rope than some might and perhaps needs a close handler. Whether that is practical for the Riders or not, I don't know. What I do know is that somehow this guy is going to struggle for his entire life but because he doesn't look obviously different from anybody else, he is going to get little in the way of understanding and/or compassion. Maybe he won't deserve much of a chance, but a chance he will get and even if that turns out to be an unmitigated disaster, there won't be any doubt that got his shot and that if he crashes and burns, it wasn't because the league didn't at least give him an opportunity.
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As max noted the Riders did not do due diligence on this. That is a failure at the management level. It is on Jones and those few above him.

Khalif is well past his second chance in football. Sad to say, he has blown it. This fan has concerns about his future welfare.

This is just a bad move by the Riders. Bad for them. Bad for the league. Probably not even good for Khalif. Is ChrIs Jones going to suddenly change Khalif's approach to life for the better? It seems like this is just more enabling of bad bahaviour.

IMO ... And Sir P makes some good points.
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It's good to have an inclusive society that can find a place for all of its members. But professions have standards. Pro athletes are role models and spokespeople. They can't be publicly advocating genocide. Khalif can go work on the "farm" and share his views with his friends and coworkers. CFL and Riders look terrible.
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And I do agree but pro athletes are far from great role models in many instances. Probably have some of the worst when it comes to professions. You have a long list players who are illegal drug users, illegal gamblers, have weapons charges, are assaulters of all types, guilty of manslaughters, dui's and so on that continue to play and earn obscene amounts of money in their respective sports. All examples of very poor judgement, a lack of impulse control and in some cases just plain dishonesty. It is largely a ridiculous amount of player worship that allow fans far and wide the ability to "forgive and forget" despite numerous obvious reasons why they shouldn't. And then there are the leagues themselves that have often winked and nodded as they allow such types to continue merrily along because there was more money in turning a blind eye than in enforcing a moral standard. No, sadly in the realm of morality , KM is really a light weight when it comes to the world of sports and bad behaviour. He just says bad things and doesn't seem to have the requisite smarts to know how to keep it to himself. He is also insignificant enough not to merit the kinds of tolerance that a "star player" might earn.

As long as KM can keep his mouth shut while in this league and the locking down of his twitter account suggests that he is at least going to try, then lets let the league police it and trust that if or when KM fails to walk the straight and narrow that they will move swiftly and decisively to remove him from the league. Chances are that he will never see more than a practice field and maybe for only a week or two at most. As for the Rider's, this fits right in with the Jones motis operendi, "anything to get an edge". Something that I have opined elsewhere is not a good path for a team or a league. It seems rather karmic that Jones who has engaged in several questionable decisions in regards to his own management of the Riders should be involved in yet another questionable decision. Kind of a trend for him n'est pas? The league should probably have smacked him down sooner for some of his antics over the years. They have largely let him go unchecked despite probably breaking some rules and bending others beyond recognition. Quite frankly, his behaviour is more dangerous to the long term image of the league than some rogue player of which there have been plenty over the years. Maybe the league should have said to him long ago "we'll be watching" and if they had perhaps they wouldn't be in this situation now.

I've talked this to death. I will leave with only the following comment. I actually do agree with much of the sentiment that he has burned his bridges and that this is just a waste of time and a problem. It is a sentiment that has a lot of appeal. I can be as unforgiving as any with this kind of stuff but this is a situation that I have watched in real time. I have seen young people who have struggled with and been rejected over and over again because of their behaviour. I have seen how after a time, they give up because everyone around them has given up on them. They bounce around the system going from school to school, foster home to foster home. They don't trust anyone, they aren't trusted by anyone (sometimes with good reason) and it is very hard to see someone make the same mistakes repeatedly, lurching from one incident to another, one episode of antisocial behaviour after another while often in a drug induced fog. It can be even harder for the adults because our tolerance level for them is lower than for children. This is what KM reminds me of and somewhere deep down, it tweeks a kernel of compassion from me because the odds are really stacked against him. The Riders would have been better off not to "go there" but for whatever reasons, they did. Might as well let it play out. There is no point punishing KM for acts that he has done previously. If he repeats while part of the Riders, let him swing for it. If he does manage to keep a handle on things, then perhaps it is worth seeing if he can try to redeem himself. I do for sure believe he has a better chance of that while part of the league than he does left to his own devices. Here he at least has a cast around him that can provide some guidance which he most certainly won't have otherwise.
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You make some great points Sir P, and I will admit that Mitchell's time as an Argo and second tenure as a Lion he did eliminate the on and off field transgressions. So hopefully he shuts up and just plays football.
Mitchell's less than inspiring play during his second time as a Lion as well as his being out of football for over 1.5 years, as well as the baggage and controversy that he brings, has to beg the question to Jones...WHY?

We know that Jones cares little about what people think of him and what he does but does he also not care about the reputation of the Riders or the CFL? Does his Rider boss care? Jones' actions this season have at times been shocking and this Mitchell signing almost seems like an FU to the CFL head office. Rod Pederson has been blogging that the CFL is out to get Jones and he may be right, but if there is a target on Jones' back it is because he painted it there himself.
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Jones is another level of discussion. In some ways, he exemplifies the American Dream. Scrape, fight, bend rules, break rules, crush all before you if they stand in the way of success. Their are some that seem to fail to make the connection that real success is based as much on the journey as it is the result. All those athletes, all those Olympic medals based on a complete lies. The Lance Armstrongs whose incredible accomplishments that amount to exactly nothing. The Mark McGwires, Sammy Sossa's, the Bill Belichik's of the world completely undermine the purpose of sport and competition. It is supposed to be about hard work, honour and trying to be the best you can be. It isn't about shortcuts and greed but sadly that is the path that many choose. There are some that say "if you aren't cheating, you aren't trying". I believe the reverse to be the truth, "if you are cheating, you aren't trying". Success, true success doesn't come easily and sometimes it doesn't come at all but the value is in the struggle. Cheating one's way to the top is simply an admission that one can't face the prospect of being second best and are willing to sacrifice all integrity in exchange for money, fame, prestige.
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I wonder whether there are Muslims or Jews on the Riders who might take offense to Mitchell's tweets. Or perhaps they were part of Jones' purge when he took over?
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Labour Day weekend, rivalries renewed, the start of the "real" season...but what are the Globe and Mail, National Post, CBC, CFL fan forums across the country and even TSN talking about? Ah yes, the Riders' new Muslim and Jew-hating practice roster player. Then again, they say that there is no such thing as bad publicity...
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maxlion wrote:Labour Day weekend, rivalries renewed, the start of the "real" season...but what are the Globe and Mail, National Post, CBC, CFL fan forums across the country and even TSN talking about? Ah yes, the Riders' new Muslim and Jew-hating practice roster player. Then again, they say that there is no such thing as bad publicity...

Jones has created the most talked about, most entertaining (for non Rider fans) 1- 8 football team in the history of the CFL and possibly all of sport.

The gutting of the roster, the 1000's of players worked out during the off season, the during a game ratio cheating, paying and housing the illegal pre practice roster, illegally practicing guys on the 6 game IR, illegally having guys under contract practicing with guys who aren't under contract, illegally holding practices for longer than allowed, signing a washed up known racist and hate promoter. :shock: The list is so long I almost forgot one of my favourites: the least classiest guy in the CFL (Jones) telling the classiest guy in the CFL (Dave Dickenson ) to learn how to win with class. lol :dizzy:

In the past I had a lot of respect for Jones' success as a coach but now he seems to not just want to be the Bill Belichek of the CFL (minus the wins) but he wants to out cheat Belichek and instead have people think of Bill Belichek as the Chris Jones of the NFL.
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