Hall of Fan - cromartie

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Team Captain
Posts: 8322
Joined: Tue Oct 01, 2002 7:43 pm
Location: Springhill
Contact: Hall of Fan - cromartie
Position: Center
Favourite CFL team: British Columbia Lions of course
Why are they your favourite team: In the early 80s, all ESPN used to show were CFL games. As such, we all more or less picked a team. All of my friends grew up and moved on, I've loved the game ever since. Less Browne too. I met him once while he was a Lion. Classy guy.
If you were abducted by Super Models and forced to cheer for another team who would it be: Toronto Argonauts
Other Favourite Sports teams: NHL - Detroit Red Wings, NBA - Detroit Pistons, Both are casual. My only love is the Lions.
Favourite CFL stadium: Molson. Defines the word atmosphere
Favourite BC Lion: I'll pick a new one sometime this year
Favourite former BC Lion: Jamie Taras
Favourite Food: Pizza
Favourite Bar: Upper Mongolian in London, Ontario No better place to hit on grad students
Favourite Beer: None, since I don't drink anymore
Favourite Alcoholic Beverage: See above
Favourite Non Alcoholic Bevy: Vanilla Creme (Vente) from Starbucks
Favourite Tunes: Hundreds, don't even know where to start.
Favourite Movie: Fallen. Nothing beats a movie where the good guys lose.
Hobbies: NFL Fantasy football, non-fiction reading. Minor League Baseball, billiards, hitting in a batting cage
Favourite BC Lion Memory: My one game at BC Place, watching Jimmy Cunningham return a kick for a TD. 8/29/99. Such a thrill to see a game there. The ticket is framed on a wall in my office. The 51-4 thrashing of the Argos in Toronto is another one. (8/24/2000)
Best Grey Cup Host City: Can't say as I've never made it to one. We'll hope Ottawa does well in 2004
My dream vacation is: Cross-Canada drive in an Oldsmobile Aurora. One of the first things I'm going to do when I hit the lotto. Followed closely by a trip to Ireland.
Favourite CFL uniform: Argos Home. The Argos logo is the best in professional sports. Doesn't make the team any better though.
Strangest things seen at game: Was at a Detroit Lions game when their middle linebacker (Reggie Brown) swallowed his mouthpiece, had a seizure, and more or less died on the field. 80,000 people in a stadium - not one of them said a word. To hear a gathering of 80,000 fans at a stadium go absolutely still is bizarre. After about five minutes, my friend turned to me and said: "He's dead." And he would have been, had a physician with experimental drugs for curbing seizures not been at the game, and on the sidelines at the time.
Words you live by: Never ask someone to do something you aren't prepared to do yourself.
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